I persist with adding "cc",  because it does not hurt anything.
David Xu

John Baldwin wrote:

>On 13-Dec-01 Bruce Evans wrote:
>>>--- i386/i386/identcpu.c     30 Nov 2001 11:57:23 -0000      1.96
>>>+++ i386/i386/identcpu.c     6 Dec 2001 07:58:25 -0000
>>>@@ -115,10 +115,11 @@
>>> static void
>>> do_cpuid(u_int ax, u_int *p)
>>> {
>>>+    p[0] = ax;
>>>     __asm __volatile(
>>>     "cpuid"
>>>-    : "=a" (p[0]), "=b" (p[1]), "=c" (p[2]), "=d" (p[3])
>>>-    :  "0" (ax)
>>>+    : "+a" (p[0]), "=b" (p[1]), "=c" (p[2]), "=d" (p[3])
>>>     );
>>> }
>>"0" here was bogus.  Just replace it by "a".
>So use "a" twice and gcc will get that right?
>>>-            : "=a" (low), "=d" (high)                               \
>>>-            : "0" (low), "1" (high)                                 \
>>>-            : "cx", "bx")
>>>+            : "+a" (low), "+d" (high)                               \
>>>+            : : "ecx", "ebx")
>>Weren't the register names in the clobber list the normal ones?
>I was just being pedantic since we aren't just clobbering the low words of the
>>>@@ -938,7 +935,7 @@
>>>             "movl 4(%0),%%eax ; adcl %%eax,4(%0)\n\t"
>>>             "movl 8(%0),%%eax ; adcl %%eax,8(%0)\n\t"
>>>             "movl 12(%0),%%eax ; adcl %%eax,12(%0)"
>>>-            ::"r" (c):"ax");
>>>+            : :"r" (c):"eax", "memory");
>>> }
>>> static void
>>This should use output operands c[0]..c[3], not a general "memory" clobber.
>>>[... more suboptimal "memory" clobbers]
>I changed the simple ones, but not the harder ones.  (gcc doesn't like having
>more than 10 operands, even if they are memory or immediates)
>>I wouldn't trust all the little changes to math_emulate.c without runtime
>>testing.  It won't be tested by using it in normal operation.
>Ok.  I won't commit it until it is tested.
>>>Index: i386/include/bus_pc98.h
>>>RCS file: /usr/cvs/src/sys/i386/include/bus_pc98.h,v
>>>retrieving revision 1.19
>>>diff -u -r1.19 bus_pc98.h
>>>--- i386/include/bus_pc98.h  7 Oct 2001 10:04:18 -0000       1.19
>>>+++ i386/include/bus_pc98.h  7 Dec 2001 19:10:37 -0000
>>>@@ -203,11 +203,10 @@
>>>                                                             \
>>>     __asm __volatile("call *%2"                             \
>>>                     :"=a" (result),                         \
>>>-                     "=d" (offset)                          \
>>>+                     "+d" (offset)                          \
>>>                     :"o" (bsh->bsh_bam.bs_read_##BWN),      \
>>>-                     "b" (bsh),                             \
>>>-                     "1" (offset)                           \
>>>-                    );                                      \
>>>+                     "b" (bsh)                              \
>>>+                    :"ecx","memory");                       \
>>>                                                             \
>>>     return result;                                          \
>>> }
>>It's surprising that the missing "ecx" in lots of clobber lists in this
>>file didn't cause problems.
>It depends on what the functions do.  If they are written in asm, they might be
>preserving temporary registers rather than trashing them.  I was just changing
>the clobbers to assume that only call-safe registers were preserved.
>>>-    __asm __volatile("bsfl %0,%0" : "=r" (result) : "0" (mask));
>>>+    __asm __volatile("bsfl %0,%0" : "+r" (result));
>>>     return (result);
>>> }
>>"0" here was bogus, except we abuse the same operand for input and output.
>>I checked that gcc does the right thing (reuse the input register for
>>output if the input operand becomes dead) with a non-hand-optimized version:
>>              __asm __volatile("bsfl %1,%0" : "=r" (result) : "r" (mask));
>>              ...
>>      main() { return bsfl(23); }
>>"rm" (mask) works too.
>Ok, that's simpler then.
>>The other changes seem to be OK.  I checked about 1/4 of them.
>Ok, well, I've updated the patch at the same location.

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