By my reading of the code I would like to make the following changes
to the documentation for the zone(9) man page;

Index: zone.9
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/share/man/man9/zone.9,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 zone.9
--- zone.9      1 Oct 2001 16:09:25 -0000       1.6
+++ zone.9      14 Dec 2001 01:20:08 -0000
@@ -63,8 +63,11 @@
 aren't, and provides functions for allocating items from the zone and
 for releasing them back (which makes them available for later use).
-The zone allocator stores state information inside the items proper,
-so structures that will be managed by the zone allocator must reserve
+The zone allocator stores state information inside the items proper
+while they are not allocated,
+so structures that will be managed by the zone allocator
+and wish to use the type stable property of zones by leaving some fields
+pre-filled between allocations, must reserve
 two pointers at the very beginning for internal use by the zone
 allocator, as follows:
 .Bd -literal
@@ -74,6 +77,12 @@
         /* rest of structure */
+Alternatively they should assume those entries corrupted
+after each allocation. After the first allocation of an item,
+it will bave been cleared to zeroes, however subsequent allocations 
+will retain the contents as of the last free, with the exception of the 
+fields mentionned above.
 Zones are created in one of two fashions, depending how far along the
 boot process is.

There is always the chance I'm reading the code wrongly so if you think
I'm smoking something, let me know, because there is code in the kernel
relying on the fact that these changes are correct. (why I made them).

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