Riccardo Torrini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Would be a great idea add /dev/uphoto and even better a sort
 > of photo-file-system, where read is mapped to download image,
 > unlink to delete and maybe create file to take a picture so
 > we can use ls, cp, rm and touch to access photo camera...

Yes, great idea, Riccardo -- please do it.  :-)

However, there is no standard for accessing digital photo
cameras via USB.  Recently, some of them seem to comply
with the mass storage protocol (BSD's umass driver), but
the majority of them use proprietary protocols.  Even the
same vendor uses different protocols for different of his
cameras.  So, basically you would have to write a separate
kernel driver for every camera.  This isn't feasible.  It
is probably much better to handle these issues in userland

As an example, you could have a look at the "oPhoto" tool
which handles the Kodak DC240, DC280 and DC3400 under Free-
BSD (and possibly also others, but _not_ the Kodak DC220,
DC260 and DC265).  These are all USB photo cameras.
The tool is written in userland code and uses the generic
ugen driver to access the camera, which works pretty well.
If you absolutely want to access the images like a real
filesystem (I don't think this would have any real advan-
tage), you could wrap an NFS userland server around the
code.  Bloating the kernel with such stuff is a bad idea,


PS:  oPhoto:  http://www.fromme.com/ophoto/

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co KG, Oettingenstr. 2, 80538 München
Any opinions expressed in this message may be personal to the author
and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of secnetix in any way.

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