I'm interested in the UUCP code only in so far as it is an
unnecessary -- and so far, undefended by you -- change to
code that's working fine for other people.

My interest in a hosting site would be first for a startup,
and second, to host a competitor to the FreeBSD development,
most likely based on FreeBSD 4.4-RELEASE, rather than -CURRENT.
I haven't decided to take that step yet (despite WRS continued
ownership of the FreeBSD trademark), or I would have done
so already, but rest assured, your continued dodging of the
UUCP issue is not a positive influence on me.

> You may recall that this isn't the first time I've tried to offer my
> help in developing and committing your changes to an area of FreeBSD
> which you've complained about -- although at least this time you
> didn't just ignore my emails outright so you could continue to play
> the persecuted hero.

The hell you have.  Commit the patches I've posted to -current
over the past two months to make the release build process
more friendly to embedded systems developers, starting with
the patch to let me build an installable CDROM with a config
file other than GENERIC, and I might start to believe you.

After that, you can commit the patches to /sys/conf/param.c to
make maxfiles and maxfilesperproc tunable at boot time, and the
patches to login.c to make it possible to rebadge the "login:"
and "password:" prompts, and the patches to /sys/netinet/udp_usrreq.c
to make it so you can tune for a large number of TCP sokets
without tuning for a large number of UDP sockets.

Patches attached.


-- Terry
Index: release/Makefile
RCS file: /home/cvs/FreeBSD/src/release/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.536.2.41
diff -c -r1.536.2.41 Makefile
*** release/Makefile    2001/04/14 22:29:49     1.536.2.41
--- release/Makefile    2001/05/02 22:04:14
*** 268,273 ****
--- 268,274 ----
        echo "#!/bin/sh"                        > ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
        echo "set -ex"                          >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
        echo "_RELTARGET=\$${1:-doRELEASE}"     >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
+       echo "export KERNCONF=${KERNCONF}"      >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
        echo "export CFLAGS='-O -pipe'" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
        echo "export NO_X=YES"                  >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
        echo "export DISTRIBUTIONS=\"${DISTRIBUTIONS}\"" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
Index: release/sysinstall/Makefile
RCS file: /home/cvs/FreeBSD/src/release/sysinstall/Attic/Makefile,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.92.2.10 Makefile
*** release/sysinstall/Makefile 2001/03/12 12:10:28
--- release/sysinstall/Makefile 2001/05/02 22:06:52
*** 17,23 ****
        system.c tape.c tcpip.c termcap.c ufs.c usb.c user.c variable.c \
        wizard.c keymap.h

! CFLAGS+= -Wall -I${.CURDIR}/../../gnu/lib/libdialog -I${.OBJDIR}
  .if ${MACHINE} == "pc98"
--- 17,23 ----
        system.c tape.c tcpip.c termcap.c ufs.c usb.c user.c variable.c \
        wizard.c keymap.h

! CFLAGS+= -Wall -I${.CURDIR}/../../gnu/lib/libdialog -I${.OBJDIR} 
  .if ${MACHINE} == "pc98"
Index: release/sysinstall/install.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/FreeBSD/src/release/sysinstall/Attic/install.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.268.2.22 install.c
*** release/sysinstall/install.c        2001/03/12 22:50:04
--- release/sysinstall/install.c        2001/05/02 22:20:06
*** 750,756 ****
--- 750,760 ----
      if (RunningAsInit) {
        /* Fix up kernel first */
        if (!file_readable("/kernel")) {
+ #ifdef KERNCONF
+           char *generic_kernel = "/kernel." KERNCONF;
+ #else
            char *generic_kernel = "/kernel.GENERIC";
+ #endif
            if (file_readable(generic_kernel)) {
                if (vsystem("cp -p %s /kernel", generic_kernel)) {
                    msgConfirm("Unable to copy /kernel into place!");
Index: param.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/clickarray/FreeBSD/sys.releng4/conf/param.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.1 -r1.2
*** param.c     2001/03/21 00:50:42     1.1
--- param.c     2001/04/19 23:50:34     1.2
*** 44,49 ****
--- 44,51 ----
  #include "opt_param.h"

  #include <sys/param.h>
+ #include <sys/systm.h>                /* getenv_int */
+ #include <sys/kernel.h>               /* TUNABLE_INT_DECL */

   * System parameter formulae.
*** 67,74 ****
  int   maxproc = NPROC;                        /* maximum # of processes */
  int   maxprocperuid = NPROC-1;                /* maximum # of processes per user */
! int   maxfiles = MAXFILES;                    /* system wide open files limit */
! int   maxfilesperproc = MAXFILES;             /* per-process open files limit */
  int   ncallout = 16 + NPROC + MAXFILES;       /* maximum # of timer events */
  int   mbuf_wait = 32;                         /* mbuf sleep time in ticks */

--- 69,78 ----
  int   maxproc = NPROC;                        /* maximum # of processes */
  int   maxprocperuid = NPROC-1;                /* maximum # of processes per user */
! int   maxfiles = 0;                   /* system wide open files limit */
! TUNABLE_INT_DECL("kern.maxfiles", MAXFILES, maxfiles);
! int   maxfilesperproc = 0;            /* per-process open files limit */
! TUNABLE_INT_DECL("kern.maxfilesperproc", MAXFILES, maxfilesperproc);
  int   ncallout = 16 + NPROC + MAXFILES;       /* maximum # of timer events */
  int   mbuf_wait = 32;                         /* mbuf sleep time in ticks */

Index: usr.bin/login/login.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/FreeBSD/src/usr.bin/login/login.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.51.2.5 login.c
--- usr.bin/login/login.c       2001/02/13 13:05:20
+++ usr.bin/login/login.c       2001/05/18 19:53:22
@@ -116,6 +116,8 @@
 #define        TTYGRPNAME      "tty"           /* name of group to own ttys */
 #define        DEFAULT_BACKOFF 3
 #define        DEFAULT_RETRIES 10
+#define        DEFAULT_PROMPT  "login: "
+#define DEFAULT_PASSWD_PROMPT  "Password:"

  * This bounds the time given to login.  Not a define so it can
@@ -128,7 +130,7 @@

 struct passwd *pwd;
 int    failures;
-char   *term, *envinit[1], *hostname, *username, *tty;
+char   *term, *envinit[1], *hostname, *username, *tty, *prompt, *passwd_prompt;
 char    full_hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
 #ifndef NO_PAM
 static char **environ_pam;
@@ -257,6 +259,8 @@
         * Get "login-retries" & "login-backoff" from default class
        lc = login_getclass(NULL);
+       prompt = login_getcapstr(lc, "prompt", DEFAULT_PROMPT, DEFAULT_PROMPT);
+       passwd_prompt = login_getcapstr(lc, "passwd_prompt", DEFAULT_PASSWD_PROMPT, 
        retries = login_getcapnum(lc, "login-retries", DEFAULT_RETRIES, 
        backoff = login_getcapnum(lc, "login-backoff", DEFAULT_BACKOFF, 
@@ -651,7 +655,7 @@
        rval = 1;
        salt = pwd != NULL ? pwd->pw_passwd : "xx";

-       p = getpass("Password:");
+       p = getpass(passwd_prompt);
        ep = crypt(p, salt);

        if (pwd) {
@@ -819,7 +823,7 @@
        static char nbuf[NBUFSIZ];

        for (;;) {
-               (void)printf("login: ");
+               (void)printf(prompt);
                for (p = nbuf; (ch = getchar()) != '\n'; ) {
                        if (ch == EOF) {
Index: udp_usrreq.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/clickarray/FreeBSD/sys.releng4/netinet/udp_usrreq.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.1 -r1.2
*** udp_usrreq.c        2001/03/21 00:53:40     1.1
--- udp_usrreq.c        2001/05/22 01:29:05     1.2
*** 138,149 ****
        udbinfo.listhead = &udb;
        udbinfo.hashbase = hashinit(UDBHASHSIZE, M_PCB, &udbinfo.hashmask);
        udbinfo.porthashbase = hashinit(UDBHASHSIZE, M_PCB,
!       udbinfo.ipi_zone = zinit("udpcb", sizeof(struct inpcb), maxsockets,
                                 ZONE_INTERRUPT, 0);

--- 138,152 ----
+       int     udp_maxsockets;
        udbinfo.listhead = &udb;
        udbinfo.hashbase = hashinit(UDBHASHSIZE, M_PCB, &udbinfo.hashmask);
        udbinfo.porthashbase = hashinit(UDBHASHSIZE, M_PCB,
!       TUNABLE_INT_FETCH("net.inet.udp.maxsockets", maxsockets, udp_maxsockets);
!       udbinfo.ipi_zone = zinit("udpcb", sizeof(struct inpcb), udp_maxsockets,
                                 ZONE_INTERRUPT, 0);

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