current sysinstall building has a problem. It uses the boot programs in /boot. So, even if we change boot0 and/or mbr, the new sysinstall includes old one. And, it breaks cross building, too.
I have made the patch to fix this problem. It adds a new target "boot" into Makefile.inc1. Because, the boot programs must be made after "cross-tools" target and before "par-depend" target. Please review it. Thank you. --- TAKAHASHI Yoshihiro THE CENTER for INFORMATION SCIENCE, Kogakuin Univ.
Index: src/Makefile.inc1 =================================================================== RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/Makefile.inc1,v retrieving revision 1.217 diff -u -r1.217 Makefile.inc1 --- src/Makefile.inc1 2001/09/20 12:24:10 1.217 +++ src/Makefile.inc1 2001/09/23 13:39:02 @@ -300,6 +300,11 @@ cd ${.CURDIR}; ${WMAKE} -DNOHTML -DNOINFO -DNOMAN -DNOFSCHG libraries @echo @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" + @echo ">>> stage 4: building boot" + @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" + cd ${.CURDIR}; ${WMAKE} boot + @echo + @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" @echo ">>> stage 4: make dependencies" @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" cd ${.CURDIR}; ${WMAKE} par-depend @@ -805,6 +810,13 @@ ${MAKE} install .endif .endfor + +boot: +.if exists(${.CURDIR}/sys/boot) + cd ${.CURDIR}/sys/boot; \ + ${MAKE} depend; \ + ${MAKE} all +.endif .for __target in clean cleandepend cleandir depend obj .for entry in ${SUBDIR} Index: src/usr.sbin/sysinstall/Makefile =================================================================== RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/usr.sbin/sysinstall/Makefile,v retrieving revision 1.117 diff -u -r1.117 Makefile --- src/usr.sbin/sysinstall/Makefile 2001/09/05 07:12:19 1.117 +++ src/usr.sbin/sysinstall/Makefile 2001/09/23 08:05:21 @@ -55,15 +55,38 @@ file2c 'const char termcap_xterm[] = {' ',0};' \ >> makedevs.tmp .if ${MACHINE} == "i386" +.if exists(${.OBJDIR}/../../sys/boot/${MACHINE}/boot0/boot0) + file2c 'u_char boot0[] = {' '};' \ + < ${.OBJDIR}/../../sys/boot/${MACHINE}/boot0/boot0 \ + >> makedevs.tmp +.else file2c 'u_char boot0[] = {' '};' < /boot/boot0 >> makedevs.tmp +.endif echo "size_t boot0_size = sizeof(boot0);" >> makedevs.tmp +.if exists(${.OBJDIR}/../../sys/boot/${MACHINE}/mbr/mbr) + file2c 'u_char mbr[] = {' '};' \ + < ${.OBJDIR}/../../sys/boot/${MACHINE}/mbr/mbr >> makedevs.tmp +.else file2c 'u_char mbr[] = {' '};' < /boot/mbr >> makedevs.tmp +.endif echo "size_t mbr_size = sizeof(mbr);" >> makedevs.tmp .endif .if ${MACHINE} == "pc98" +.if exists(${.OBJDIR}/../../sys/boot/${MACHINE}/boot0/boot0) + file2c 'u_char boot0[] = {' '};' \ + < ${.OBJDIR}/../../sys/boot/${MACHINE}/boot0/boot0 \ + >> makedevs.tmp +.else file2c 'u_char boot0[] = {' '};' < /boot/boot0 >> makedevs.tmp +.endif echo "size_t boot0_size = sizeof(boot0);" >> makedevs.tmp +.if exists(${.OBJDIR}/../../sys/boot/${MACHINE}/boot0.5/boot0.5) + file2c 'u_char boot05[] = {' '};' \ + < ${.OBJDIR}/../../sys/boot/${MACHINE}/boot0.5/boot0.5 \ + >> makedevs.tmp +.else file2c 'u_char boot05[] = {' '};' < /boot/boot0.5 >> makedevs.tmp +.endif echo "size_t boot05_size = sizeof(boot05);" >> makedevs.tmp .endif mv makedevs.tmp makedevs.c