On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 08:14:45AM -0400, Viren R. Shah wrote:
> >>>>> "Kazu" == Kazutaka YOKOTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  >> which Kazutaka YOKOTA suggested in a different thread might indicate
>  >> some weirdness. Any suggestions? I tried setting "acpi_load=NO" at
>  >> boot,but the acpi module gets loaded anyway. 
>  Kazu> Um, you should have typed "unset acpi_load" at the loader prompt
>  Kazu> to disable the acpi module...
>  Kazu> Please do
>  Kazu>        unset acpi_load
>  Kazu>        boot -v
>  Kazu> at the loader prompt and send me dmesg's output.
> Here's the verbose boot output after typing in "unset acpi_load". The
> mouse is now recognized:

Basically delete your /boot/kernel/acpi.ko until this has been 
fixed.  That's what I am having to do.

David W. Chapman Jr.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Raintree Network Services, Inc. <www.inethouston.net>
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       FreeBSD Committer <www.FreeBSD.org>

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