>Hi, I've just noticed strange behavior of psm probing (w/ and w/o acpi).
>This is not a ThinkPad, but FIVA 206VL (PS/2 mouse PnP ID = 0x130fd041;
>normal one), the psm is no longer recognized if USB is not compiled (or
>USB module is not loaded at loader).
I have never heard of this type of error before!
>Here is difference between dmesgs of kernel w/o and w/ usb module.
>@@ -370,7 +377,10 @@
> kbd0: atkbd0, AT 101/102 (2), config:0x1, flags:0x3d0000
> atkbd1: unable to allocate IRQ
> psm0: current command byte:0047
>-psm0: the aux port is not functioning (-1).
>+psm0: <PS/2 Mouse> irq 12 on atkbdc0
>+psm0: model Generic PS/2 mouse, device ID 0-00, 2 buttons
>+psm0: config:00000000, flags:00000000, packet size:3
>+psm0: syncmask:c0, syncbits:00
> bt0 failed to probe on isa0
> cs0 failed to probe at port 0x300 on isa0
> ed0 failed to probe at port 0x280-0x29f iomem 0xd8000 irq 10 on isa0
>@@ -430,10 +440,8 @@
> unknown: <PNP0800> failed to probe at port 0x61 on isa0
> unknown: <PNP0c02> can't assign resources
> unknown: <PNP0c02> at iomem 0xd8000-0xdbfff on isa0
>-psmcpnp0: <PS/2 mouse port> at irq 12 on isa0
>-atkbd1: unable to allocate IRQ
>-psm0: current command byte:0047
>-psm0: the aux port is not functioning (-1).
This means that the keyboard controller on the motherboard didn't
respond when it was asked to test the aux (PS/2 mouse) port.
You usually see this error when your system does not have the PS/2 mouse
I cannot think of a reason why the presence or absence of the usb
module affects the behavior of the motherboard keyboard
I must say this is the most arcane error.
>+unknown: <PNP0f13> can't assign resources
>+unknown: <PNP0f13> at irq 12 on isa0
> fdc1: cannot reserve I/O port range (1 ports)
> unknown: <PC standard floppy disk controller> failed to probe on isa0
> BIOS Geometries:
>I tried to load acpi module too, but it seems acpi doesn't affect psm
>probing on this machine.
>In summary;
> with USB without USB
>with ACPI OK NG
>without ACPI OK NG
Ok, this is strictly the psm and usb modules' problem, then.
Do you remember when your PS/2 mouse was detected correctly without
the usb module?
>I enclosed dmesg -v output of kernel w/o usb and acpi.
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