Julian Elischer wrote:

> On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:
>>David O'Brien wrote:
>>>On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 09:48:24AM -0300, Daniel Capo Sobral wrote:
>>>>When I first wrote the loader.conf thingy, I couldn't get the value
>>>>of environment variables from the FICL environment.
>>>>Anyway, I have been too busy lately to do anything with FreeBSD that
>>>>is not directly related to things I have to do at work, and it doesn't
>>>>look like slacking up so soon. So, unfortunately, I don't have time to
>>>>do any of the little things that have been cropping up with loader.
>>>A very good reason the loader should have used something other then a
>>>language only 1% of the FreeBSD committers (and entire community) has
>>>knowledge of.
>>/me shrugs
>>I myself questioned the wisdom of using Forth at the time, and Jordan 
>>simply replied I was free to find a more popular language with a freely 
>>available interpreter that would fit in as small a space as FICL did.
> there is a Basic interpeter that fits in 1024 bytes that could be used
> if extended to know about files :-)

BASIC is evil incarnate! :^)

     ET has one helluva sense of humor!
He's always anal-probing right-wing schizos!

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