On 04-Sep-01 David W. Chapman Jr. wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 09:40:44AM -0700, John Baldwin wrote:
>> In fact, am doing so right now inside of KDE (with arts or whatever their
>> sound
>> daemon is called also running). Granted, it sounds rather weird. :-P
>> 915 john -8 0 5236K 900K pcmwr 0:01 1.66% 1.51% mpg123
>> 914 john -8 0 4336K 912K pcmwr 0:01 1.64% 1.51% mpg123
>> > sysctl hw.snd
>> hw.snd.verbose: 0
>> hw.snd.unit: 0
>> hw.snd.autovchans: 0
>> hw.snd.maxvchans: 0
>> hw.snd.pcm0.vchans: 0
>> hw.snd.pcm0.hwvol_step: 5
>> hw.snd.pcm0.hwvol_mixer: vol
> If everything is using artsd then that may be the reason. My problem
> was I had apps using esound, artsd and them vmware directly talking
> to dsp. But this is only from what I gather, not from knowledge.
Note the mpg123 processes. They are in pcmwr, i.e. writing to /dev/dsp
directly and not going through artsd.
John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
PGP Key: http://www.baldwin.cx/~john/pgpkey.asc
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