On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Alfred Perlstein wrote:

> * aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010828 15:37] wrote:
> > 
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I have been wondering if fbsd people would like to move into the
> > openbios.org direction? Well, at least I for myself would _dream_ of
> > booting my laptop and have X running in 10 seconds :))
> > 
> > I am asking because AFAIK the openbios guys replace the standard bios
> > calls with their own code (kernel, whatever). So would this acutally be
> > possible in fbsd? Are there any calls to bios routines or is everything
> > coded by hand?
> > 
> > sorry if this is a bit off-topic. I was just to curious...
> I'm pretty sure openbios just aims to be a replacement for PC-BIOSes,
> as long as it's a drop in replacement FreeBSD should run just fine
> on top of it, there shouldn't be any modifications needed to be done
> to FreeBSD.

yes, but AFAIK they will replace standard BIOS calls with their own
abstraction layer/calls. Now if fbsd uses some "well known" BIOS calls
which differ in the openbios abstraction layer then it wont run. so the
question boils down to: is there some black magic bios call accessing code
in the kernel somewhere (which might break then)?


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