On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Jonathan Chen wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 08:27:21AM -1000, Vincent Poy wrote:
> > > Or, simply unplug the harddrive from your laptop and plug it into another
> > > machine to do the install. When I fubar'ed my laptop's fs not too long
> > > ago, I hot-plugged my laptop harddrive into my desktop, issued an
> > > "atacontrol reinit", and proceeded to merrily run sysinstall under a
> > > chroot. Of course, this is by no means "the proper way", but it gets the
> > > job done...
> >
> > This idea will work since I can always use the notebook hDD with
> > the adapter to the desktop but what does the atacontrol reinit do exactly
> > since couldn't I just do a fresh install and just move the drive?
> atacontrol allows for hot-swapping of ata devices. Don't worry about it if
> you just plan on installing the laptop drive and turning on the computer.
> It'll act like any other normal drive.
Sounds pretty cool. Except the laptop in the desktop idea won't
work as I have a PPPoE based DSL connection and my Windows desktop is the
current LAN router which will be replaced by the FreeBSD machine.
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