/usr/bin/passwd in the latest -current world build with kernel build seems to do the following: # passwd joeuser Changing local password for joeuser. New password: Retype new password: passwd: updating the database... passwd: done # and 5 seconds later, the machine would just freeze solid. With yesterday's buildworld, it would do the same thing except it would panic the kernel and go into the db> prompt. So the only way is to hard reboot which will goto single user mode where fsck would have to be done and then somehow the passwd database is corrupted which requires copying master.passwd.bak from /var/backups to /etc/master.passwd and then run and exit vipw with :wq to rebuild the passwd database. Otherwise, all users besides root will be able to logon and /etc/passwd and /etc/master.passwd will be a bunch of garbled characters. vipw works fine when manually entering the encrypted passwd as a cut and paste from another system. It isn't a hardware issue since I have tried everything from make -j 4 buildworld to running dnetc to even running cpuburn from the /usr/ports/misc collection which had no effect. Only when running passwd would it hang the machine solid 5 seconds later each time and corrupt the password database. The 6/18/2001 current binary snapshot from current.freebsd.org worked without any problems. Cheers, Vince - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Vice President ________ __ ____ Unix Networking Operations - FreeBSD-Real Unix for Free / / / / | / |[__ ] WurldLink Corporation / / / / | / | __] ] San Francisco - Honolulu - Hong Kong / / / / / |/ / | __] ] HongKong Stars/Gravis UltraSound Mailing Lists Admin /_/_/_/_/|___/|_|[____] Almighty1@IRC - oahu.DAL.NET Hawaii's DALnet IRC Network Server Admin To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message