> It is much easier, at least to me, to just remove much of the KLD > screen saver support from syscons to the user-land, than to utilize > the kthread :-) Just FWIW, I think that moving the screen saver to userspace is an excellent thing to do. -- ... every activity meets with opposition, everyone who acts has his rivals and unfortunately opponents also. But not because people want to be opponents, rather because the tasks and relationships force people to take different points of view. [Dr. Fritz Todt] V I C T O R Y N O T V E N G E A N C E To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
- Death sentence to KLD screen savers? Comments? Kazutaka YOKOTA
- Re: Death sentence to KLD screen savers? Comments? Andrey A. Chernov
- Re: Death sentence to KLD screen savers? Comments? Kazutaka YOKOTA
- Re: Death sentence to KLD screen savers? Commen... Andrey A. Chernov
- Re: Death sentence to KLD screen savers? Comments? Steve Roome
- Re: Death sentence to KLD screen savers? Comments? Larry Baird
- Re: Death sentence to KLD screen savers? Comments? Terry Lambert
- RE: Death sentence to KLD screen savers? Comments? John Baldwin
- Re: Death sentence to KLD screen savers? Comments? Kazutaka YOKOTA
- Re: Death sentence to KLD screen savers? Comments? Kazutaka YOKOTA
- Re: Death sentence to KLD screen savers? Comments? Terry Lambert
- Re: Death sentence to KLD screen savers? Commen... Kazutaka YOKOTA