Andrew Gallatin wrote:
> How do you make the loader _NOT_ load a kernel until after the
> countdown?
> On slow media (like NFS boots or VMware, or old AlphaServers) its
> really painful to wait for the kernel to unload just so you can unload
> it and then load an alternate kernel.

Actually, it requires some work to do that. Previously, autoboot only
loaded the kernel after the countdown, but that resulted in the small
problem in the user _not_ knowing exactly what kernel was being loaded
until after the countdown had finished.

The stuff in examples/bootforth does something similar with the menu.
The menu waits until you type a key or up to a certain amount of time,
and then go do whatever it is that was selected/is default. You can look
there for an example and adapt it to suit your needs, but Forth code is
not particularly easy to understand, even something as simples as that.
Of course, since you _are_ that far from the machine, I'd recommend
testing anything locally first.

Daniel C. Sobral                        (8-DCS)

        all your kernels arpanic: blockable sleep lock (sleep mutex) Giant @

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