Since the change was made to telnet to have it attempt autologin and encryption by default, there are some problems with argument handling for telnet. 1. in crypto/telnet/telnet/main.c: case 'l': autologin = 1; if(autologin == 0) autologin = -1; user = optarg; break; The 'if' will never happen, so it should be removed, but the ramifications of this should be thought about harder. The way the code is now, specifying -l will DISable automatic encryption (or rather, it will fail to automatically enable it). This is because later on only if autologin=-1 does the code do encrypt_auto(1); . 2. There are no provisions to disable encryption. -x turns it on. Since it is now on by default, -x becomes redundant, except in cases where it's necessary to repair the -l damage. It would make sense to have -x turn encryption off, except that people may be used to it turning encryption on and may be astonished. Some other letter (-y?) should be added to turn it off. The processing of that option will have to be careful to check to see if autologin is -1 and set it to 1 to insure that it's not automatically enabled later. Perhaps better than the autologin == -1 hack, why not just call encrypt_auto(1); and decrypt_auto(1); once before the options are parsed. Then the user can use -y to disable it if he chooses. Then autologin can start off as 1 and be set to 0 only if the user specifies -K. Having -1 be indicative of an encryption side effect is bizarre. 3. So far as I can tell, none of the changes were synced to the man page. To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message