
This was tricky.  Due to the old bug in release/Makefile (it did
not pass -DRELEASE_CRUNCH when building list of object files for
crunched binary), ${OBJS} list for ppp was computed incorrectly,
and ppp/Makefile had a special glue to build empty object files:

: .if defined(RELEASE_CRUNCH)
: # We must create these objects because crunchgen will link them,
: # and we don't want any unused symbols to spoil the final link.
: OBJS+=  chap_ms.o mppe.o id.o nat_cmd.o radius.o
: chap_ms.o mppe.o id.o nat_cmd.o radius.o:
:         >null_${.PREFIX}.c
:         cc -c -o ${.TARGET} null_${.PREFIX}.c
: .endif

Recall that release/Makefile executes `make subclean all' against
the crunchgen(1) generated .mk file.  Previously, `subclean' was
executed with the -DRELEASE_CRUNCH; this removed chap_ms.o, and
subsequent `make all' had a chance to build chap_ms.o from the
stub rule above:

: # make -n -DRELEASE_CRUNCH chap_ms.o
: >null_chap_ms.c
: cc -c -o chap_ms.o null_chap_ms.c

Now that -DRELEASE_CRUNCH is moved to crunchgen(1) .conf files
(recall that I needed this so that ${OBJS} are computed correctly
for telnet/Makefile), ppp/Makefile got broken.  `subclean' does
not cleans chap_ms.o, and subsequent `make all' considers it

The attached patch should fix this.  Please let me know...

Actually, I have just committed a fix to crunchgen(1) so that
it runs `make clean' with the ${BUILDOPTS}, to avoid possible
failures in the future.  This fix alone should be enough to
fix the broken `make release', but please test with the attached
patch too.

: ru          2001/03/30 00:04:25 PST
:   Modified files:
:     usr.sbin/crunch/crunchgen crunchgen.c
:   Log:
:   `buildopts' may affect the selection of object files.
:   Make sure we pass $(BUILDOPTS) to the `clean' target
:   so that `make clean' works on the same set of object
:   files.  Otherwise, we may end up with an incorrectly
:   built and up-to-date object file.
:   Revision  Changes    Path
:   1.26      +2 -2      src/usr.sbin/crunch/crunchgen/crunchgen.c

On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 07:10:57PM +0200, John Hay wrote:
> Hi Ruslan,
> > 
> > Could you please try the attached patch and let me know?
> > 
> > I had to move -DRELEASE_CRUNCH to *_fixit.conf so that
> > ${OBJS} are computed correctly for usr.bin/telnet.
> I have tried it, but now it breaks in boot_crunch:
> ##########
> cc -O -pipe    -DCRUNCHED_BINARY -c tunefs_stub.c
> ld -dc -r -o tunefs.lo tunefs_stub.o /usr/obj//usr/src/sbin/tunefs/tunefs.o
> crunchide -k _crunched_tunefs_stub tunefs.lo
> cc -static -o boot_crunch boot_crunch.o sh.lo find.lo sed.lo test.lo rm.lo pwd.l
> o ppp.lo sysinstall.lo newfs.lo minigzip.lo cpio.lo fsck.lo ifconfig.lo route.lo
>  slattach.lo mount_nfs.lo dhclient.lo arp.lo hostname.lo rtsol.lo pccardc.lo pcc
> ardd.lo usbd.lo usbdevs.lo tunefs.lo -ll -ledit -lutil -lkvm -lmd -lcrypt -lftpi
> o -lz -lnetgraph -ldialog -lncurses -lmytinfo -ldisk -lipx
> ppp.lo: In function `MakeKey':
> ppp.lo(.text+0xfe): undefined reference to `des_set_odd_parity'
> ppp.lo: In function `DesEncrypt':
> ppp.lo(.text+0x142): undefined reference to `des_set_key'
> ppp.lo(.text+0x14f): undefined reference to `des_ecb_encrypt'
> ppp.lo: In function `MPPEKeyChange':
> ppp.lo(.text+0x7b6): undefined reference to `RC4_set_key'
> ppp.lo(.text+0x7ca): undefined reference to `RC4'
> ppp.lo: In function `MPPEOutput':
> ppp.lo(.text+0x85b): undefined reference to `RC4_set_key'
> ppp.lo(.text+0x898): undefined reference to `RC4'
> ppp.lo(.text+0x8bd): undefined reference to `RC4'
> ppp.lo: In function `MPPEInput':
> ppp.lo(.text+0x9f7): undefined reference to `RC4_set_key'
> ppp.lo(.text+0xa18): undefined reference to `RC4'
> ppp.lo(.text+0xa4e): undefined reference to `RC4'
> *** Error code 1
> Stop in /usr/src/release/boot_crunch.
> *** Error code 1
> ...
> ###########

Ruslan Ermilov          Oracle Developer/DBA,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           Sunbay Software AG,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          FreeBSD committer,
+380.652.512.251        Simferopol, Ukraine

http://www.FreeBSD.org  The Power To Serve
http://www.oracle.com   Enabling The Information Age
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/usr.sbin/ppp/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.84
diff -u -p -r1.84 Makefile
--- Makefile    2001/03/26 14:41:22     1.84
+++ Makefile    2001/03/30 07:16:55
@@ -92,13 +92,7 @@ DPADD+= ${LIBNETGRAPH}
 .if defined(RELEASE_CRUNCH)
-# We must create these objects because crunchgen will link them,
-# and we don't want any unused symbols to spoil the final link.
-OBJS+= chap_ms.o mppe.o id.o nat_cmd.o radius.o
-chap_ms.o mppe.o id.o nat_cmd.o radius.o:
-       >null_${.PREFIX}.c
-       cc -c -o ${.TARGET} null_${.PREFIX}.c
 .include <bsd.prog.mk>

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