
just as an additional data-point: I am using an HP Omnibook 4150
(not the 4150B-Version!) with the 3COM-Card just fine. (Actually
I am writing this from this machine) The corresponding lines from
dmesg are:

pccbb0: <TI1220 PCI-CardBus Bridge> at device 4.0 on pci0
pccbb0: PCI Memory allocated: 44000000
pci_cfgintr_unique: hard-routed to irq 10
pci_cfgintr: 0:4 INTA routed to irq 10
cardbus0: <Cardbus bus (newcard)> on pccbb0
pccard0: <16-bit PCCard bus> on pccbb0
pccbb1: <TI1220 PCI-CardBus Bridge> at device 4.1 on pci0
pccbb1: PCI Memory allocated: 44001000
pci_cfgintr_unique: hard-routed to irq 10
pci_cfgintr: 0:4 INTB routed to irq 10
cardbus1: <Cardbus bus (newcard)> on pccbb1
pccard1: <16-bit PCCard bus> on pccbb1

pccbb0: card inserted: event=0x00000000, state=30000820
pccbb0: pccbb_power: CARD_VCC_0V and CARD_VPP_0V [44]
pccbb0: pccbb_power: CARD_VCC_3V and CARD_VPP_VCC [11]
TUPLE: LINKTARGET [3]: 43 49 53
Manufacturer ID: 01015752
TUPLE: CONFIG_CB [6]: 03 01 00 00 00 00
TUPLE: CFTABLE_ENTRY_CB [13]: 41 9a 01 b5 1e 01 b5 1e 02 30 ff ff 01
cardbus0: Opening BAR: type=IO, bar=10, len=0040
Product version: 5.0
Product name: 3Com Corporation | 3CCFE575CT | LAN Cardbus Card | 004 |
Functions: Network Adaptor, Memory
CIS reading done
xl0: <3Com 3c575C Fast Etherlink XL> port 0x3000-0x307f mem 0x44020000-0x4403fff
f,0x44002080-0x440020ff,0x44002000-0x4400207f irq 10 at device 0.0 on cardbus0
xl0: chip is in D6 power mode -- setting to D0
xl0: Ethernet address: 00:00:86:5b:96:ea
miibus0: <MII bus> on xl0
ukphy0: <Generic IEEE 802.3u media interface> on miibus0
ukphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
cardbus1: Detaching card: no cards to detach!
pccbb1: pccbb_power: CARD_VCC_0V and CARD_VPP_0V [44]

And as you can see I am getting the D6 power-state too, but still
everything works fine (as long as I have the card inserted during
boot and I do not suspend/resume). I am able to get around 8MBytes/sec
with this card.


On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Mike Smith wrote:

> Firstly, please don't send HTML mail.  It's bad, and people have a hard
> time dealing with it.
> > Semi-recently grabbed a snapshot of -CURRENT (from 03/06) to see if I could
> > finally get my 3Com 3c575C Fast Etherlink XL cardbus lancard to work. I saw
> > it mentioned in the HARDWARE.TXT so I decided to give it a go. What I didn't
> > realize was that the newcard/cardbus was still in its early stages. So what
> > I am experiencing now is that the card is properly detected (which doesn't
> > happen with the card/pcic devices), _but_ when using it, I experience
> > frequent timeouts and delays.
> > The xl driver spits out numerous "xl0: watchdog timeout", and I get pings
> > around the one second mark, even to machines on the same switch. Trying to
> > maintain TCP sessions without keeping a running ping in the background is
> > futile, due to the packet loss.
> >
> > So basically, I'm wondering what I can do to help getting this fixed? I very
> > much want to see proper cardbus support (having to run windoze to get net
> > connectivity is highly annoying and counter productive).
> > I don't have any means of running cvsup regularly (stuck behind heavy
> > firewall), and I unfortunately have no experience with writing device
> > drivers, but should otherwise be able to tweak code as instructed. I'll be
> > happy to be a testbed for the 3c575C (and I'll be very happy when I can
> > report that it seems to work flawlessly!).
> ...
> > pccbb0: <TI1225 PCI-CardBus Bridge> at device 4.0 on pci0
> > pccbb0: PCI Memory allocated: 44000000
> > pci_cfgintr_unique: hard-routed to irq 10
> > pci_cfgintr: 0:4 INTA routed to irq 10
> > cardbus0: <Cardbus bus (newcard)> on pccbb0
> > pccard0: <16-bit PCCard bus> on pccbb0
> > pccbb1: <TI1225 PCI-CardBus Bridge> at device 4.1 on pci0
> > pccbb1: PCI Memory allocated: 44001000
> > pci_cfgintr_unique: hard-routed to irq 10
> > pci_cfgintr: 0:4 INTB routed to irq 10
> This looks OK, though you might want to disable the pccard support, since
> it's known to be broken right now.
> > pccbb1: card inserted: event=0x00000000, state=30000b20
> > pccbb1: pccbb_power: CARD_VCC_0V and CARD_VPP_0V [44]
> > pccbb1: pccbb_power: CARD_VCC_3V and CARD_VPP_VCC [11]
> > pccbb1: bad Vcc request. ctrl=0x33, status=0x30000b20
> That's a bit ugly.
> > xl0: <3Com 3c575C Fast Etherlink XL> port 0x3000-0x307f mem
> > 0x44020000-0x4403ffff,0x44002480-0x440024ff,0x44002400-0x4400247f irq 10 at
> > device 0.0 on cardbus1
> > xl0: chip is in D6 power mode -- setting to D0
> I'm a bit worried about this; "D6" doesn't really exist, so it's possible
> that something is going wrong here.
> Bill; you might have some better  ideas than I do.  Suggestions?
> --
> ... every activity meets with opposition, everyone who acts has his
> rivals and unfortunately opponents also.  But not because people want
> to be opponents, rather because the tasks and relationships force
> people to take different points of view.  [Dr. Fritz Todt]
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