On 13-Mar-01 Matthew Jacob wrote:
>> Can you possibly try to narrow the differences down by tring out various
>> kernel
>> configs in between GPLUS and GENERIC?
> Actually- look at the diffs at least and tell me which you think it might
> be. All of the diffs are either kernel support flavors for alpha, which
> shouldn't matter to devfs for a damn, or drivers.
> If nobody can get to this, I'll try and look at this further, but this is
> looking very very strange.
It could be some driver screwing up with makedev() though one would think we'd
have hit that before now. It could be something really odd relating to the
size of the kernel. It could be the maxuers change resulting in kernel memory
being laid out differently. *shrug* I didn't see anything in that diff that
would have broken this either. Does it happen w/o devfs? I'm updating my
alpha to today's current, so perhaps I'll run into this here.
John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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