At some point in the past 24 hours, someone broke the kernel so I can
no longer run linux-opera:

root@des /var/crash# gdb -k
GNU gdb 4.18
Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "i386-unknown-freebsd".
(kgdb) source ~des/kgdb
(kgdb) kernel 5
IdlePTD 4034560
initial pcb at 326020
panicstr: from debugger
panic messages:
panic: cpu_switch: not SRUN
panic: from debugger
Uptime: 7m24s

dumping to dev ad0b, offset 131104
dump ata0: resetting devices .. done
191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 
170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 
149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 
128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 
107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 
81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 
52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
#0  dumpsys () at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:478
478             if (dumping++) {
(kgdb) where
#0  dumpsys () at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:478
#1  0xc019131b in boot (howto=260) at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:321
#2  0xc01916e5 in panic (fmt=0xc02940b4 "from debugger")
    at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:571
#3  0xc011f1d5 in db_panic (addr=-1071226260, have_addr=0, count=-1,
    modif=0xd06ffc34 "") at ../../ddb/db_command.c:433
#4  0xc011f175 in db_command (last_cmdp=0xc02cd880, cmd_table=0xc02cd6e0,
    aux_cmd_tablep=0xc0310cdc) at ../../ddb/db_command.c:333
#5  0xc011f23a in db_command_loop () at ../../ddb/db_command.c:455
#6  0xc0121403 in db_trap (type=3, code=0) at ../../ddb/db_trap.c:71
#7  0xc0265ffe in kdb_trap (type=3, code=0, regs=0xd06ffd34)
    at ../../i386/i386/db_interface.c:164
#8  0xc0274a3b in trap (frame={tf_fs = 24, tf_es = 16, tf_ds = 16,
      tf_edi = -798482176, tf_esi = 256, tf_ebp = -797966976,
      tf_isp = -797967008, tf_ebx = 2, tf_edx = 1017, tf_ecx = 1021,
      tf_eax = 18, tf_trapno = 3, tf_err = 0, tf_eip = -1071226260, tf_cs = 8,
      tf_eflags = 70, tf_esp = -1070857153, tf_ss = -1070967837})
    at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:608
#9  0xc026626c in Debugger (msg=0xc02a53e3 "panic") at machine/cpufunc.h:60
#10 0xc01916dc in panic (fmt=0xc0272cdd "cpu_switch: not SRUN")
    at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:569
#11 0xc0272cdd in sw0_2 ()
#12 0xc019b3d8 in msleep (ident=0xc0356158, mtx=0xd0682100, priority=344,
    wmesg=0xc02a7fd8 "poll", timo=201) at ../../kern/kern_synch.c:459
#13 0xc01b00f3 in poll (p=0xd0681fe0, uap=0xd06fff80)
    at ../../kern/sys_generic.c:927
#14 0xc0276510 in syscall (frame={tf_fs = 47, tf_es = 47, tf_ds = 47,
      tf_edi = 142872464, tf_esi = 2000, tf_ebp = 142872424,
      tf_isp = -797966380, tf_ebx = 142872464, tf_edx = 2000, tf_ecx = 1,
      tf_eax = 168, tf_trapno = 12, tf_err = 2, tf_eip = 678761248,
      tf_cs = 31, tf_eflags = 647, tf_esp = 142872400, tf_ss = 47})
    at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:1184
#15 0xc026690d in syscall_with_err_pushed ()
#16 0x285cac35 in ?? ()
(kgdb) p *(struct proc *)0xd0681fe0
$1 = {p_procq = {tqe_next = 0xd0681980, tqe_prev = 0xd0680aa0}, p_slpq = {
    tqe_next = 0x0, tqe_prev = 0xd0682a88}, p_list = {le_next = 0xd0681980,
    le_prev = 0xd0680ab0}, p_cred = 0xc2479f60, p_fd = 0xc245bc00,
  p_stats = 0xd06feb74, p_limit = 0xc2476700, p_upages_obj = 0xd06f1900,
  p_procsig = 0xc2437140, p_flag = 0, p_sflag = 9, p_intr_nesting_level = 0,
  p_stat = 3, p_pid = 448, p_hash = {le_next = 0x0, le_prev = 0xc090db00},
  p_pglist = {le_next = 0xd0680aa0, le_prev = 0xd06819cc},
  p_pptr = 0xd0681980, p_sibling = {le_next = 0x0, le_prev = 0xd06819e0},
  p_children = {lh_first = 0xd0680aa0}, p_oppid = 0, p_dupfd = 0,
  p_vmspace = 0xcaab3180, p_estcpu = 58, p_cpticks = 1, p_pctcpu = 0,
  p_slpcallout = {c_links = {sle = {sle_next = 0x0}, tqe = {tqe_next = 0x0,
        tqe_prev = 0xc5ecea80}}, c_time = 44652, c_arg = 0xd0681fe0,
    c_func = 0xc019c88c <endtsleep>, c_flags = 14}, p_wchan = 0xc0356158,
  p_wmesg = 0xc02a7fd8 "poll", p_swtime = 0, p_slptime = 0, p_itcallout = {
    c_links = {sle = {sle_next = 0x0}, tqe = {tqe_next = 0x0,
        tqe_prev = 0x0}}, c_time = 0, c_arg = 0x0, c_func = 0, c_flags = 0},
  p_realtimer = {it_interval = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}, it_value = {
      tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}}, p_runtime = 1099, p_uu = 0, p_su = 0,
  p_iu = 0, p_uticks = 0, p_sticks = 1, p_iticks = 0, p_traceflag = 0,
  p_tracep = 0x0, p_siglist = {__bits = {0, 0, 0, 0}}, p_textvp = 0xd06e3f80,
  p_mtx = {mtx_lock = 4, mtx_recurse = 0, mtx_saveintr = 0, mtx_flags = 0,
    mtx_description = 0xc02a2074 "process lock", mtx_blocked = {
      tqh_first = 0x0, tqh_last = 0xd0682114}, mtx_contested = {le_next = 0x0,
      le_prev = 0x0}, mtx_next = 0xd0680bc0, mtx_prev = 0xd074a33c,
    mtx_debug = 0xc24702c0}, p_lock = 0 '\000', p_oncpu = 255 'ÿ',
  p_lastcpu = 0 '\000', p_rqindex = 46 '.', p_locks = 0, p_stops = 0,
  p_stype = 0, p_step = 0 '\000', p_pfsflags = 0 '\000', p_pad3 = "\000",
  p_retval = {0, 2000}, p_sigiolst = {slh_first = 0x0}, p_sigparent = 0,
  p_oldsigmask = {__bits = {0, 0, 0, 0}}, p_sig = 0, p_code = 0, p_klist = {
    slh_first = 0x0}, p_heldmtx = {lh_first = 0x0}, p_blocked = 0x0,
  p_mtxname = 0x0, p_contested = {lh_first = 0x0}, p_sigmask = {__bits = {
      4026463919, 4294967294, 0, 0}}, p_sigstk = {ss_sp = 0x0, ss_size = 0,
    ss_flags = 4}, p_magic = -1091568946, p_pri = {pri_class = 3 '\003',
    pri_level = 88 'X', pri_native = 160 ' ', pri_user = 187 '»'},
  p_nice = 0 '\000', p_comm = "opera\000ent\000\000\000\000\000\000\000",
  p_pgrp = 0xc22a29e0, p_sysent = 0xc030f4c0, p_args = 0xc2457f00,
  p_addr = 0xd06fe000, p_md = {md_regs = 0xd06fffa8}, p_xstat = 0,
  p_acflag = 1, p_ru = 0x0, p_aioinfo = 0x0, p_peers = 0xd0680aa0,
  p_leader = 0xd0681980, p_asleep = {as_priority = 0, as_timo = 0},
  p_emuldata = 0x0, p_ithd = 0x0}
(kgdb) up
#1  0xc019131b in boot (howto=260) at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:321
321                     dumpsys();
(kgdb) up
#2  0xc01916e5 in panic (fmt=0xc02940b4 "from debugger")
    at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:571
571             boot(bootopt);
(kgdb) up
#3  0xc011f1d5 in db_panic (addr=-1071226260, have_addr=0, count=-1,
    modif=0xd06ffc34 "") at ../../ddb/db_command.c:433
433             panic("from debugger");
(kgdb) up
#4  0xc011f175 in db_command (last_cmdp=0xc02cd880, cmd_table=0xc02cd6e0,
    aux_cmd_tablep=0xc0310cdc) at ../../ddb/db_command.c:333
333                 (*cmd->fcn)(addr, have_addr, count, modif);
(kgdb) up
#5  0xc011f23a in db_command_loop () at ../../ddb/db_command.c:455
455                 db_command(&db_last_command, db_command_table,
(kgdb) up
#6  0xc0121403 in db_trap (type=3, code=0) at ../../ddb/db_trap.c:71
71                  db_command_loop();
(kgdb) up
#7  0xc0265ffe in kdb_trap (type=3, code=0, regs=0xd06ffd34)
    at ../../i386/i386/db_interface.c:164
164                 db_trap(type, code);
(kgdb) up
#8  0xc0274a3b in trap (frame={tf_fs = 24, tf_es = 16, tf_ds = 16,
      tf_edi = -798482176, tf_esi = 256, tf_ebp = -797966976,
      tf_isp = -797967008, tf_ebx = 2, tf_edx = 1017, tf_ecx = 1021,
      tf_eax = 18, tf_trapno = 3, tf_err = 0, tf_eip = -1071226260, tf_cs = 8,
      tf_eflags = 70, tf_esp = -1070857153, tf_ss = -1070967837})
    at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:608
608                             if (kdb_trap (type, 0, &frame))
(kgdb) up
#9  0xc026626c in Debugger (msg=0xc02a53e3 "panic") at machine/cpufunc.h:60
60              __asm __volatile("int $3");
(kgdb) up
#10 0xc01916dc in panic (fmt=0xc0272cdd "cpu_switch: not SRUN")
    at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:569
569                     Debugger ("panic");
(kgdb) up
#11 0xc0272cdd in sw0_2 ()
(kgdb) up
#12 0xc019b3d8 in msleep (ident=0xc0356158, mtx=0xd0682100, priority=344,
    wmesg=0xc02a7fd8 "poll", timo=201) at ../../kern/kern_synch.c:459
459             mi_switch();
(kgdb) up
#13 0xc01b00f3 in poll (p=0xd0681fe0, uap=0xd06fff80)
    at ../../kern/sys_generic.c:927
927             error = msleep((caddr_t)&selwait, &p->p_mtx, PSOCK | PCATCH, "poll",
(kgdb) up
#14 0xc0276510 in syscall (frame={tf_fs = 47, tf_es = 47, tf_ds = 47,
      tf_edi = 142872464, tf_esi = 2000, tf_ebp = 142872424,
      tf_isp = -797966380, tf_ebx = 142872464, tf_edx = 2000, tf_ecx = 1,
      tf_eax = 168, tf_trapno = 12, tf_err = 2, tf_eip = 678761248,
      tf_cs = 31, tf_eflags = 647, tf_esp = 142872400, tf_ss = 47})
    at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:1184
1184            error = (*callp->sy_call)(p, args);
(kgdb) up
#15 0xc026690d in syscall_with_err_pushed ()
(kgdb) up
#16 0x285cac35 in ?? ()

Dag-Erling Smorgrav - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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