On 22-Feb-01 Maxim Sobolev wrote:
>> > Here it is (from DDB):
>> > panic(c027de93,c0297409,c027f878,368,80286)
>> > _mtx_assert(c02ea000,9,c027f878,368,80286)
>> > mi_switch(c32c5da0,3,c02cea44,c357be98)
>> > ithread_schedule(c0747c00,1)
>> > sched_ithd(e)
>> > Xresume14()
>> > --- interrupt, eip = 0xc025b60f, esp = 0x80296, ebp = 0xc357bf08 ---
>> > trap(18, 10, 10,c01597b6,20)
>> > calltrap()
>> > --- trap 0x9, eip = 0xc025a5de, esp = 0xc357bf50, ebp = 0xc357bf64 ---
>> > sw1b(c0146cbc,c0146cbc,c32c5da0,c357bf94)
>> > ithread_loop(c0747c00,c357bfa8)
>> > fork_exit(c0146cbc,c0747c00,c357bfa8)
>> > fork_trampoline()
>> *sigh* This is why enabling interrupts in trap() is such a bad idea. If we
>> get a trap in the scheduler, then lots of bad crap starts to happen because
>> we
>> can get an interrupt while we are in a trap. :( Can you compile your kernel
>> with
>> INVARIANTS on though, as I think the kernel should've panic'd earlier if it
>> is
>> doing what I think it is doing.
Hmm, ouch, you do'nt want MUTEX_DEBUG, that'll slow your system to a crawl.
>> Also, if you are feeling industrious, edit
>> sys/i386/i386/trap.c and comment out the enable_intr() call near the
>> beginning
>> of the trap() function right after the printf for 'kernel trap %d with
>> interrupts disabled'.
> Ok, I'll try so.
> -Maxim
It will still panic, just hopefully a better panic.
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