On 06-Feb-01 Jim Bloom wrote:
> The line where I was having the trap is still within cpu_switch (line
> 236 of swtch.s).
> I added  WITNESS and INVARIANTS to my kernel and I get a new panic. 
> This time I see:
> kernel trap 12 with interrupts disabled
> panic: mutex sched lock recursed at ../../kern/kern_synch.c:918
> panic()
> _mtx_assert(c031b6c0,9,c0290990,396,c043b100) at _mtx_assert+0x63
> mi_switch(c031b6c0,0,c,c24bef08,c02681cd) at mi_switch+0x25
> sched_ithd(e) at sched_ithd+0xd9
> Xresume14() at Xresume14+0x8
> --- interrupt, eip = 0xc02b0008, esp - 0xc2fbeee4, epb = 0xc2feed4 ---
> __set_sysinit_set_sym_sc_mem_sys_init(c0275020,c02b0008,286,c031b7230,0)
> at __set_sysinit_set_sym_sc_mem_sys_init+0x644
> Jim Bloom

Hmmmmm, can you show the registers?  I wonder if we are somehow running a
process that isn't fully created yet.  Hmm, that shouldn't be a problem
looking at fork1()..


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