On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 02:29:59PM +0100, Erik H. Bakke wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have been trying to do some audio-recording lately without much success.
> > After searching the archieves etc I found some reports of this problem and
> > there are also some PR's about it (8bit at low rates ok, 16bit and higher
> > rates is not).
> >
> > I was wondering if someone is working on this and if we could expect some
> > progress soon?
> >
> I believe this may be related to the soundcard driver, which soundcard are
> you using?
> I am using an SB Live 1024 in my computer, and I am reading from the audio
> input, 16 bits at 44.1KHz, although only in mono, doing fourier transform
> on the data, and displaying the results graphically, without any problems.
I have a SB32 isa-card.
Patrik Sundberg - email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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