On Fri, Jan 05, 2001 at 03:54:20PM -0800, Dima Dorfman wrote:
> > Any more ideas what to try here?
> I'm sure you already thought of this, but have you made sure that you
> aren't running any memory-hogging applications?  I just compiled all
> the ntp programs on my laptop which is a Pentium 75 with 24MB of
> memory and 64MB of swap (I didn't do an entire buildworld; I don't
> really want to wait a day).  It's running 5.0-20001223-CURRENT, and
> compiled the ntp suite from 5.0-20010101-CURRENT.

Pretty lean on this machine, I make sure to turn off SETI@Home for
builds or it'll swap like a maniac. ;) Perhaps I should point out that
I am building with sources mounted via NFS, but /usr/obj is local.

  [170:~] ps uax
  root    10 99.0  0.0     0    0  ??  RL   13Dec00 1239:51.83  (idle)
  root     1  0.0  0.5   552  128  ??  ILs  13Dec00   0:00.51 /sbin/init --
  root    11  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  WL   13Dec00  11:00.26  (swi1: net)
  root    12  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  WL   13Dec00 178:01.38  (swi6: clock)
  root    13  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  WL   13Dec00   0:00.00  (swi4: vm)
  root    14  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  DL   13Dec00  11:48.92  (random)
  root    15  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  WL   13Dec00   0:00.00  (swi5: task queue)
  root    16  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  WL   13Dec00  52:22.08  (irq14: ata0)
  root    17  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  WL   13Dec00   0:17.18  (irq6: fdc0)
  root    18  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  WL   13Dec00   0:00.00  (irq7: ppc0)
  root    19  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  WL   13Dec00   0:00.01  (swi0: tty:sio)
  root    20  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  WL   13Dec00  28:27.06  (irq10: ep0)
  root     2  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  DL   13Dec00   4:16.76  (pagedaemon)
  root     3  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  DL   13Dec00   0:00.36  (vmdaemon)
  root     4  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  DL   13Dec00   0:28.82  (bufdaemon)
  root     5  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  DL   13Dec00  12:45.19  (syncer)
  root   114  0.0  1.2   932  360  ??  Ss   13Dec00   0:33.22 syslogd -s
  root   119  0.0  0.5  1252  132  ??  Is   13Dec00   0:09.18 timed
  root   126  0.0  0.0   208    0  ??  IW   -         0:00.00 nfsiod -n 4
  root   127  0.0  0.0   208    0  ??  IW   -         0:00.00 nfsiod -n 4
  root   128  0.0  0.0   208    0  ??  IW   -         0:00.00 nfsiod -n 4
  root   129  0.0  0.0   208    0  ??  IW   -         0:00.00 nfsiod -n 4
  root   147  0.0  0.9   996  248  ??  Ss   13Dec00   0:37.23 cron
  root   150  0.0  1.6  2648  476  ??  Is   13Dec00   0:05.21 /usr/sbin/sendmail -q30m
  root   154  0.0  0.9  2192  248  ??  Is   13Dec00   0:34.69 /usr/sbin/sshd
  root   198  0.0  0.0   948    0  d0  IWs+ -         0:00.00 /usr/libexec/getty 
std.115200 ttyd0
  root 48855  0.0  1.5  2280  448  ??  S    10:02AM   0:02.85 sshd: cjc@ttyp0 (sshd)
  cjc  48877  0.0  2.7  1412  788  p0  Ss   10:02AM   0:01.35 -tcsh (tcsh)
  root     0  0.0  0.0     0    0  ??  DLs  13Dec00   0:10.73  (swapper)
  cjc  83227  0.0  1.2   520  336  p0  R+    4:15PM   0:00.00 ps uax
  [171:~] swapinfo
  Device          1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Type
  /dev/rad0s1b       102272     2104   100168     2%    Interleaved
  [172:~] vmstat 
   procs      memory     page                    disks     faults      cpu
   r b w     avm   fre  flt  re  pi  po  fr  sr ad0 ac0   in   sy  cs us sy id
   1 0 0    4632 14236   24   0   0   0  26  21   0   0  225   50 265 95  1  4
  [173:~] uname -a
  FreeBSD bubbles.cjclark.org 5.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT #11: Wed Dec 13 23:14:41 
PST 2000     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/BUBBLES  i386

Sources for the existing system would be from 2000/12/09. Again, the
one I am trying to build has been re-cvsup'ed several times the last
being about 0830 PST today.
Crist J. Clark                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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