Cliff Sarginson writes:
> Hello
> I have the self same problem with my nics' Realtek 8139's.
> But on my '98 machine it is dual bootable with Linux.
> If I don't power cycle the PC between using windows and
> Linux my nic's are unusable, gaining a MAC address
> of FFFF........ as I see yours does.
> I have found no solution for it (even swearing doesnt help)
> but since it so similar to your problem and with both Linux
> and FreeBSD .... we have been Gate'd again
> Cliff
I've seen this on a dual booted laptop (w9x and Linux) too. The
if_rl.c driver under FreeBSD is intelligent enough to notice that
the chip has been put into a funny power management state and reset
it (thanks to wpaul). Look for D0 to find the relevant code fragment.
You can either incorporate the code from the FBSD driver into the
Linux driver or (this is what I did) forbid w9x from using power
mamnagement on the interface.
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