Bernd Walter writes:
 >     trap entry = 0x2 (memory management fault)
 >     a0         = 0xfffffbf1e0000018
 >     a1         = 0x1
 >     a2         = 0x0
 >     pc         = 0xfffffc0000557a10
 >     ra         = 0xfffffc000055791c
 >     curproc    = 0xfffffc000062f118
 >         pid = 0, comm = swapper


Note the faulting address.  It is not a k0seg address.  This means
something went negative, most likely in the LCA_CFGOFF macro.  Here's

After Doug's busspace changes, the *pcib_{read,write}_config()
functions were introduced.  They take signed args and pass them to the
CFGOFF macro.  Previously, the arguments to the LCA_CFGOFF macro were
provided by the lca_cfg{read,write}{b,w,l} functions and were

Can you try the following patch (after backing yours out).  A similar
patch fixes the same problem on an AlphaServer 2100.  I'd like to fix
this in all the pcib_{read,write}_config functions at once...



Index: lca_pci.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/alpha/pci/lca_pci.c,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 lca_pci.c
--- lca_pci.c   2000/08/31 16:19:27     1.7
+++ lca_pci.c   2000/11/29 19:39:27
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
 } while (0)
-lca_pcib_read_config(device_t dev, int b, int s, int f,
-                    int reg, int width)
+lca_pcib_read_config(device_t dev, u_int b, u_int s, u_int f,
+                    u_int reg, int width)
        switch (width) {
        case 1:
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@
 static void
-lca_pcib_write_config(device_t dev, int b, int s, int f,
-                     int reg, u_int32_t val, int width)
+lca_pcib_write_config(device_t dev, u_int b, u_int s, u_int f,
+                     u_int reg, u_int32_t val, int width)
        switch (width) {
        case 1:

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