Don't want to step on toes.. Someone please commit. I believe
we need to 'load /kernel' no matter what... it's the
'read' that's in question. Allows a cdrom to autoboot.
patch also located at ~jwd/src/src/release/Makefile.patch so you
don't have to cut'n'paste.
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/release/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.576
diff -u -r1.576 Makefile
--- Makefile 2000/10/24 19:05:39 1.576
+++ Makefile 2000/10/25 23:01:44
@@ -827,8 +827,8 @@
${RD}/kernels/BOOTMFS.${FSIMAGE}.hints > \
${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/device.hints && \
echo "include /boot/device.hints" > ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/loader.rc
-.if !defined(FDSIZE) || ${FDSIZE} != "BIG"
@echo "load /kernel" >> ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/loader.rc
+.if !defined(FDSIZE) || ${FDSIZE} != "BIG"
@echo "echo \\007\\007" >> ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/loader.rc
@echo "echo Please insert MFS root floppy and press enter:" >>
@echo "read" >> ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/loader.rc
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