In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Falko 
Dressler writes:
: I discovered a little bug in ccard.c which is part of the pccardd:
: *** cardd.c.orig      Mon Sep 25 17:52:03 2000
: --- cardd.c   Mon Sep 25 17:52:12 2000
: ***************
: *** 546,552 ****
:               sp->config->index = cisconf->id;
:               break;
:       default:                /* normal, use index value */
: !             for (cisconf = cis->conf; cisconf; cisconf = cisconf->next)
:                       if (cisconf->id == sp->config->index)
:                               break;
:       }
: --- 546,552 ----
:               sp->config->index = cisconf->id;
:               break;
:       default:                /* normal, use index value */
: !             for (cisconf = cis->conf; cisconf->next; cisconf = cisconf->next)
:                       if (cisconf->id == sp->config->index)
:                               break;
:       }
: Someone forgot to place the right pointer into the for-loop.

Why does the change need to be made to cisconf->next.  The old code
looks good to me.  Is the last item in the list wrong for some reason?
The last item on the for loop will be evaluated, and then the middle
test is done, so I don't see how this helps.


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