
On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 04:35:04PM +0100, Konstantin Chuguev wrote:

> > > You need to check LC_* existence corresponding to setlocale() request
> > > made.
> >
> > What to check if LC_ALL request is given ?
> LC_ALL overrides all other LC_* variables. If it is set, there is no need to
> check anything else.

> Then you should check all other LC_*, and then LANG.

As I understand you're answering in concept, but we are talking about
exact case right now (see may patches attached to previous letter)

I am trying to realize "is requested locale physicaly present on this system"
or it's just an alias. Currently I am just testing presence of 
/usr/share/locale/$requested_locale/LC_CTYPE and make decision depends
on stat(2) return value.

/* Alexey Zelkin               && [EMAIL PROTECTED]       */
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