On 27 Aug, Motomichi Matsuzaki wrote:

> Can anyone success compiling kernel with the following config?
> # ATA and ATAPI devices
> device          ata
> device          atadisk                 # ATA disk drives
> #device         atapicd                 # ATAPI CDROM drives
> device          atapifd                 # ATAPI floppy drives
> #device         atapist                 # ATAPI tape drives
> #options        ATA_STATIC_ID           #Static device numbering
> #options        ATA_ENABLE_ATAPI_DMA    #Enable DMA on ATAPI devices
> In my box (freshly built today),
> this config doesn't make atapi-all.o,
> so that kernel linking get fails.

I've the same problem. At the moment I'm using the attahed patch to work
around this problem every time I configure a new kernel (cd
/sys/compile/<YOURKERNEL>; patch </path/to/Makefile.diff). Depending on
your config it may not apply to your Makefile. You just have to add the
atapi-all.o and $S/dev/ata/atapi-all.c differences.


Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.

http://www.Leidinger.net                       Alexander @ Leidinger.net
  GPG fingerprint = 7423 F3E6 3A7E B334 A9CC  B10A 1F5F 130A A638 6E7E
--- Makefile.orig       Sun Aug 20 16:55:43 2000
+++ Makefile    Sun Aug 20 16:56:16 2000
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
        swap_pager.o vm_fault.o vm_glue.o vm_init.o vm_kern.o vm_map.o \
        vm_meter.o vm_mmap.o vm_object.o vm_page.o vm_pageout.o \
        vm_pager.o vm_swap.o vm_unix.o vm_zone.o vnode_pager.o ata-all.o \
-       ata-disk.o ata-dma.o atapi-fd.o if_ed.o if_ed_isa.o fb.o \
+       ata-disk.o ata-dma.o atapi-all.o atapi-fd.o if_ed.o if_ed_isa.o fb.o \
        splash.o vga.o atkbd.o atkbdc.o kbd.o schistory.o scmouse.o \
        scterm.o scterm-dumb.o scterm-sc.o scvesactl.o scvgarndr.o \
        scvidctl.o scvtb.o syscons.o sysmouse.o apm.o atomic.o \
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
        $S/vm/vm_object.c $S/vm/vm_page.c $S/vm/vm_pageout.c \
        $S/vm/vm_pager.c $S/vm/vm_swap.c $S/vm/vm_unix.c $S/vm/vm_zone.c \
        $S/vm/vnode_pager.c $S/dev/ata/ata-all.c $S/dev/ata/ata-disk.c \
-       $S/dev/ata/ata-dma.c $S/dev/ata/atapi-fd.c $S/dev/ed/if_ed.c \
+       $S/dev/ata/ata-dma.c $S/dev/ata/atapi-all.c $S/dev/ata/atapi-fd.c 
+$S/dev/ed/if_ed.c \
        $S/dev/ed/if_ed_isa.c $S/dev/fb/fb.c $S/dev/fb/splash.c \
        $S/dev/fb/vga.c $S/dev/kbd/atkbd.c $S/dev/kbd/atkbdc.c \
        $S/dev/kbd/kbd.c $S/dev/syscons/schistory.c \
@@ -1802,6 +1802,9 @@
 ata-dma.o: $S/dev/ata/ata-dma.c
+       ${NORMAL_C}
+atapi-all.o: $S/dev/ata/atapi-all.c
 atapi-fd.o: $S/dev/ata/atapi-fd.c

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