According to Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven: > Alternatively the sentiment just rose why we couldn't just collapse the > crypt/hash functions of libcrypt into libc. > > It would make sense. It would make even make more sense to convince the other BSD to do the same (haven't checked recently what they do) and do the merge. -- Ollivier ROBERT -=- Eurocontrol EEC/ITM -=- [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Postman hits! The Postman hits! You have new mail. To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
- make buildworld br0ken in libutil Ollivier Robert
- Re: make buildworld br0ken in libutil Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
- Re: make buildworld br0ken in libut... Ollivier Robert
- Re: make buildworld br0ken in l... Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
- Re: make buildworld br0ken ... Paul Richards
- Re: make buildworld br... Sheldon Hearn
- Re: make buildworld br... Nate Williams
- Re: make buildworld br... Mark Murray
- Re: make buildworl... Paul Richards
- Re: make buildworld br0ken in libut... Mark Murray
- Re: make buildworld br0ken in libut... Garrett Wollman
- Re: make buildworld br0ken in l... Brian Fundakowski Feldman
- Re: make buildworld br0ken in l... Bruce Evans