It looks like a function got left out of MAKEDEV.
This seems to fix it:
Index: /usr/src/etc/MAKEDEV
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/etc/MAKEDEV,v
retrieving revision 1.268
diff -u -d -r1.268 MAKEDEV
--- /usr/src/etc/MAKEDEV 2000/08/16 16:42:50 1.268
+++ /usr/src/etc/MAKEDEV 2000/08/18 06:01:10
@@ -221,6 +221,12 @@
echo $(((($1 >> 8) << 16) | ($1 % 256)))
+# Convert a minor number to a unit number.
+ echo $(((($1 >> 16) << 8) | ($1 % 256)))
# Raw partition for disks
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