In message <>, Gleb Smirnoff writes:
>   Hi guys,
> replying to all, asnwering Chris and Cy emails that I did not reply earlier. 
>  I
> trimmed quoting, but of course I've read your emails!
> Point 1.  Please let's forget about 'late' option and any other rc(8) hints a
> nd
> magic.  As I already explained the problem can (and usually does) live outsid
> e
> of the particular host that does the mount.  It could be a boot race of a bun
> ch
> of networking equipment, it could be some other network outage, etc.
> Point 2. Both Chris and Cy said that this is not a bug, since it was there fo
> r
> so many years.  Sorry, this argument doesn't buys me.  It is a typical
> cognitive distortion named "normalization" or "desensitization," where an
> individual becomes so accustomed to a negative situation that they no longer
> recognize it as problematic.  I am also affected by that, and it is very good
> practice sometimes to force yourself to look at something with a fresh look.
> With a fresh look a suggestion to hardcode IP addresses in hosts(5) or doesn'
> t
> look scalable neither modern option.  I totally agree that in certain setups 
> it
> is the right way to do, but not always.

This argument makes the point that the industry is wrong. I don't quite buy 
that either. I suppose more investigation would be required to find out why.

On the flip side, when I was working on Solaris we didn't rely solely on 
DNS. We used NIS+  built on top of ONC+ (not to be confused with NIS built 
on top of ONC). There we had multiple NIS+ replicas on each network 
segment. In today's world we use LDAP.

> Point 3. I got our concern on a mount_nfs(8) blocking on a DNS resolution
> viewed as a POLA violation.  So I suggest a trade-off: let's isolate the
> retrying behavior only to the background mode. That would fix the problem of
> machine booting without mounts and is very unlikely to affect anyones POLA
> feelings:

This would be acceptable.

If an admin does have a chronic DNS issues, said admin could add the IP to 

> As the review text notes at the end we got a problem in the libc
> getaddrinfo(3).  Rick also noticed it earlier when making his patch.  Our
> resolver can't tell us a negative answer versus a timeour.  This definitely i
> s
> a problem and I already started investigating it.  But definitely out of scop
> e
> of NFS.
> --
> Gleb Smirnoff

Cy Schubert <>
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