
> On 21 Feb 2025, at 06:52, A FreeBSD User <free...@walstatt-de.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> Linux (especially OpenWRT we use) knows about a concept named "IPv6 tokenized 
> interface
> identifier". The concept is self explanatory, a interface/router obtains a 
> propagated prefix
> and the concept allows the explicit definition of the host portion.
> I haven't managed to accomplish such a behaviour using FreeBSD's rtadvd(8) 
> daemon. I guess
> this task is subject of and performed through the rtadvd.conf(5) 
> configuration file, but I
> haven't managed yet to accomplish such a task (to speak simple: I'd like to 
> have a router of a
> subnet always at IPv6 Network PREFIX:0:0:0:1).

Isn’t sufficient just to give the router a static IPv6 address? That’s what we 
do here.

> The only config tag I can imagine is responsible for what I'd like to achive 
> is the "addr" tag
> mentioned in rtadvd.conf(5), but whatever I fill this tag with - the desired 
> effect is never
> achived (i.e addr="::"). My "FreeBSD homebrewn" router has several 
> networks, attached
> to vlan. Each interface is subject of an ULA prefix and an IPv6 prefix 
> provided by our ISP. It
> is possible to pin the ULA toward the desired address, like 
> addr="fd50:c450::1", but then the
> ISP provided prefix seems not to be set properly or is completely absent. 
> Omitting "addr="
> provides the interface with ULA prefix and ISP prefix - but obviously with 
> the randomly
> generated 64bit host portion.
> Playing around with mutually suitable tags, like "pinfoflags", "raflags" or 
> "rtflags" and
> having probed almost every possible combination (with or without some sense), 
> it seems
> impossible to provide a) both ULA and ISP prefix pin the host portion to a 
> desired 64bit
> address, like "PREFIX::1".
> I do not exclude that I'm possibly incapable of comprehension the manpage 
> (the language is and
> the deeper semantics seem then to be hidden for me). So, if there is a clear 
> expalanation how
> to achive the desired, please point me towards it (thanks in advance!).
> Linux has this feature since a while and I can not believe that FreeBSD lacks 
> such a feature.
> Thank you very much in advance,
> O. Hartmann
> -- 
> A FreeBSD user

Bob Bishop

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