Bakul Shah <> wrote on
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:15:04 UTC :

> [-9fans, +freebsd-current as 9fans adds a reply-to: 9fans line]
> > On Jan 23, 2025, at 3:53 PM, Warner Losh <> wrote:
> > 
> > I fail to see how putting code in the kernel is better than just using got 
> > for the few people that are alergic to git. Even if it is only 1000 lines 
> > in plan 9, but likely more in FreeBSD and by the way not yet ported to 
> > FreeBSD. We know got can't crash the system and is small enough to not 
> > matter, even if it isn't in the base today.
> May I suggest:
> - always ship the *commit hash* for any release or snapshot with its base.txz

For stable/* and main builds via PkgBase:

I'll note that, for PkgBase, the commit hashes for the "base" vs. the "kernel"
need not be identical from what I've seen. In other words, the separate
packages for /usr/src/sys/ vs. for the rest of /usr/src/ need not be
based on the exact-same commit hash.

Releases avoid that via the explicit control of when the releng/*.* content is
updated: no update happens between and teh result happens to always match
because of that (if I understand right).

This seems to be something new for any official FreeBSD builds of stable/* and
main .

> - src.txz as now (or add commit hash)

See above if a stable/* or main context might involve PkgBase
build instead.

> - this is enough to download a repo (1-deep or whatever), bare if src.txz was 
> also unpacked.
> - add a simple script to download as above.
> - people can install whatever git client they want for further work.
> git9 doesn't require any kernel code but on freebsd you'd have to
> use plan9port. It is far simpler but has a different interface.

Mark Millard
marklmi at

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