On Sun, Jan 12, 2025 at 02:04:24PM -0600, Kyle Evans wrote:
> On 1/12/25 11:25, bob prohaska wrote:
> > 
> > Just for fun I installed a GENERIC-KASAN kernel on a Pi4 running -current,
> > but far as I can tell the problem doesn't exist on aarch64 or I don't know
> > how to see it. The Pi4 is providing terminal service to a Pi2 running armv7,
> > which since the KASAN kernel went on the Pi4 hasn't suffered a boot
> > stoppage. Neither have I seen any console messages on the Pi4 suggesting
> > something amiss. I'm guessing kasan simply generates warnings, but if so
> > I've not recognized any. I'll keep watching, it would really help to know
> > what sort of behavior I'm looking for.
> > 
> > I tried to build a kasan kernel on a pi2 running armv7 but buildworld
> > stopped with an unrecognized symbol. It's now building world/kernel with
> > GENERIC as a sanity check, but the kasan man page suggests armv7 is
> > unsupported.
> > 
> > If in fact armv7 does support kasan then I'll keep trying. Unfortunately
> > I have only one kasan-supporting host presently but have couple spare
> > Pi2 v1.1 boxes that can run armv7 if it's relevant.
> > 
> arm64 and amd64 only today

OK, so armv7 can't help. If arm64 GENERIC-KASAN does find something amiss
will it show up on the serial console or /var/log/messages?

Thanks for writing!

bob prohaska

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