Hi Everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has any contact at broadcom.

The bnxt drivers on 14.1BETA1 are unusable.

Cards stop working randomly, LRO cannot be disable (fail FILTER_ALLOT), even chaining mtu renders the card unusable.

The cards, is the same it was used to open the original PR.

Best regards.


On 5/4/23 14:20, bugzilla-nore...@freebsd.org wrote:

--- Comment #8 from geoffroy desvernay <d...@centrale-marseille.fr> ---
Since upgrade from 12.3p1x to 13.2-RELEASE, we have the same error message here
with bnxt (not tested with 13.1):

bnxt0: <Broadcom BCM57416 NetXtreme-E 10GBase-T Ethernet> mem
0xb9a10000-0xb9a1ffff,0xb9100000-0xb91fffff,0xb9aa2000-0xb9aa3fff irq 48 at
device 0.0 numa-domain 0 on pci9
bnxt0: Using 256 TX descriptors and 256 RX descriptors
bnxt0: Using 12 RX queues 12 TX queues
bnxt0: Using MSI-X interrupts with 13 vectors
bnxt0: Ethernet address: d0:94:66:81:60:e3
bnxt0: netmap queues/slots: TX 12/256, RX 12/256
bnxt1: <Broadcom BCM57416 NetXtreme-E 10GBase-T Ethernet> mem
0xb9a00000-0xb9a0ffff,0xb8800000-0xb88fffff,0xb9aa0000-0xb9aa1fff irq 52 at
device 0.1 numa-domain 0 on pci9
bnxt1: Using 256 TX descriptors and 256 RX descriptors
bnxt1: Using 12 RX queues 12 TX queues
bnxt1: Using MSI-X interrupts with 13 vectors
bnxt1: Ethernet address: d0:94:66:81:60:e4
bnxt1: netmap queues/slots: TX 12/256, RX 12/256
bnxt0: Link is UP full duplex, FC - none - 10000 Mbps
bnxt0: link state changed to UP
bnxt1: Link is UP full duplex, FC - none - 10000 Mbps
bnxt1: link state changed to UP
bnxt0: Attempt to re-allocate l2 ctx filter (fid: 0x117000000000204)
bnxt1: Attempt to re-allocate l2 ctx filter (fid: 0x11c00000003f004)
bnxt0: Attempt to re-allocate l2 ctx filter (fid: 0x125000000000204)
bnxt1: Attempt to re-allocate l2 ctx filter (fid: 0x12800000003f004)
bnxt0: HWRM_CFA_L2_SET_RX_MASK command returned RESOURCE_ALLOC_ERROR error.
bnxt0: set_multi: rx_mask set failed
bnxt0: HWRM_CFA_L2_SET_RX_MASK command returned RESOURCE_ALLOC_ERROR error.
bnxt0: set_multi: rx_mask set failed
[same messages x 100's]


dev.bnxt.0.%domain: 0
dev.bnxt.0.%parent: pci9
dev.bnxt.0.%pnpinfo: vendor=0x14e4 device=0x16d8 subvendor=0x1028
subdevice=0x1feb class=0x020000
dev.bnxt.0.%location: slot=0 function=0 dbsf=pci0:94:0:0
dev.bnxt.0.%driver: bnxt
dev.bnxt.0.%desc: Broadcom BCM57416 NetXtreme-E 10GBase-T Ethernet
dev.bnxt.0.ver.hwrm_min_ver: 1.10.2
dev.bnxt.0.ver.package_ver: <unknown>
dev.bnxt.0.ver.chip_type: ASIC
dev.bnxt.0.ver.chip_bond_id: 0
dev.bnxt.0.ver.chip_metal: 1
dev.bnxt.0.ver.chip_rev: 1
dev.bnxt.0.ver.chip_num: 5848
dev.bnxt.0.ver.phy_partnumber: 616740003
dev.bnxt.0.ver.phy_vendor: Amphenol
dev.bnxt.0.ver.roce_fw_name: BONO_FW
dev.bnxt.0.ver.netctrl_fw_name: KONG_FW
dev.bnxt.0.ver.mgmt_fw_name: AFW_223.0.205.0
dev.bnxt.0.ver.hwrm_fw_name: CHIMP_FW
dev.bnxt.0.ver.phy: 13.1.11
dev.bnxt.0.ver.roce_fw: 223.0.205
dev.bnxt.0.ver.netctrl_fw: 223.0.205
dev.bnxt.0.ver.mgmt_fw: 223.0.205
dev.bnxt.0.ver.hwrm_fw: 223.0.205
dev.bnxt.0.ver.hwrm_if: 1.10.2

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