On Feb 11, 2024, at 12:00, Mark Millard <mark...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> [Only replying to what I've subscribed to --and I dropped
> Warner as well.]
> On Feb 11, 2024, at 11:43, Mario Marietto <marietto2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ok. But what does this mean ? That I can use whatever Linux distro I want ? 
>> Or even the FreeBSD world ?
> Only to build L4Re.
> The LR4e built will not contain any Linux userland materials,
> nor any FreeBSD userland materials. LR4e has its own userland
> materials that will be present instead.
> http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/download/snapshots/pre-built-images/arm64/
> already contains pre-built .elf and .uimage files Why not use one
> of those on the RPi4B?
> By size (larger), the most complete ones for the RPi4B seem to be
> (both formats):
> http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/download/snapshots/pre-built-images/arm64/bootstrap_vm-multi_rpi4.elf
> http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/download/snapshots/pre-built-images/arm64/bootstrap_vm-multi_rpi4.uimage
> http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/download/snapshots/pre-built-images/arm64/bootstrap_vm-basic_rpi4.elf
> http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/download/snapshots/pre-built-images/arm64/bootstrap_vm-basic_rpi4.uimage

May be you are wanting to run FreeBSD in a virtual machine
in the LR4e environment? For example,


shows a "Virtualized Linux running in a window" that is using
a virtual machine environment to run Linux in, not directly
using the Linux userland with the microkernel. It also shows
an example of "A vritual machine" that shows a GNU GRUB
running in the virtual machine.

For this the pre-built images should be sufficient: no need to
build your own L4Re. It is the virtual machine configuration
that would be then at issue.

>> On Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 7:59 PM Mark Millard <mark...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 11, 2024, at 05:44, Mario Marietto <marietto2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm trying to understand how to use the L4 Microkernel with a FreeBSD 
>>> userland. I've asked the same to a L4 developer,but he told me that he does 
>>> not know FreeBSD,so I'm here to ask the same question. First of all I'm 
>>> sure that it can be done,because it is written clearly on their website :
>>> http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/L4Re/download/snapshots/
>>> on the section :
>>> Host system requirements
>>> The host system shall be a 64bit-based system with a recent Linux 
>>> distribution installed and at least 2GB of free disk space.
>>> All necessary tools required by the build are available from the provided 
>>> packages of the Linux distributions, including cross compilers. But there 
>>> are also other cross compiler packages available (see below). You might 
>>> want to run make check_build_tools in the src/l4 directory to verify the 
>>> common tools are installed.
>>> You are free to use any Linux distribution you like, or even BSDs or any of 
>>> its derivatives. But then you should know the game. Especially tool 
>>> versions should be recent, as installed on the listed distributions below.
>>> We are confident that the snapshot works on the following distributions:
>>>    • Debian 11 or later
>>>    • Ubuntu 22.04 or later
>>> Let's say I want to use the L4 microkernel + FreeBSD 14 on my Raspberry Pi 
>>> 4,the first step I did was to build L4Re for the Rpi,according with this 
>>> instructions :
>>> http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/L4Re/rpi.html 
>>> This is the log file of the compilation,that hasn't given any  error :
>>> https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/6SwN2mpJBM/
>>> Or I could have taken a pre built image of the L4 microkernel here : 
>>> http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/download/snapshots/pre-built-images/arm64/
>>> At this point the tutorial says that I should use a Linux distro. They 
>>> suggest the official distro for the Raspberry Pi 4,that's RaspBian. But I 
>>> don't want to use Linux as a userland,I want to use FreeBSD. The question 
>>> now is : what should I do to achieve that goal ? How can I link the L4 
>>> microkernel with the ubldr bootloader of FreeBSD ? Or should I link it to 
>>> the kernel of FreeBSD ? Can someone explain to me the missing step ? thanks.
>> QUOTING the "Configuring yourself" section:
>> The make setup step configures predefined setups for both the L4Re 
>> microkernel (Fiasco) and the L4Re user-level software, and connects both 
>> together so the images for the target system can be built.
>> So L4Re has its own user-level software, not just a kernel. There is no use 
>> of a Linux or FreeBSD user-level software
>> when L4Re is booted. (They are just used for building.)
>> "The host system" is just a host for building the L4Re parts and assembling 
>> the image from the parts. The "Pulling it together" section is about 
>> combining the parts (including the microkernel and the user-level software) 
>> to make the overall image that does not include Linux or FreeBSD code.

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com

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