On Sat, Jan 27, 2024, 6:12 AM void <v...@f-m.fm> wrote:

> Hi,
> I use meta-mode in /etc/src-env.conf so that if (for example) a small
> change in the kernel config is made, the machine doesn't take hours
> recompiling.
> Also, (I *think* it works this way) if src gets updated by git and
> world/kernel rebuilt it won't recompile already compiled files provided
> I don't delete /usr/obj/*
> But, from time to time, one might be required to make
> cleanworld && make cleandir (to be sure) && make clean (to be *really*
> sure)
> What circumstances & notices in /usr/src/UPDATING would require it?

Approximately never. The only time I've had issues were when the machine
crashed due to sudden power failure during the build which lead to the last
few .o files to be zero length with UFS.

Non clean normal builds have lots of issues with moved files. But meta mode
steers clear of them.



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