Am Sun, 14 Jan 2024 19:14:16 +0100
schrieb "Patrick M. Hausen" <>:

> That number at first looks like a serious load on the write endurance
> of your SSD. Then, doing the math it turns out it's absolutely
> ridiculous.
> 100 kB/s sums up to 8,640 GB/day (in decimal units). Even the small
> SSDs typically used for embedded devices like firewalls (32 or 64 G
> capacity) have a write endurance in the order of 100 or 200 TBW.
> That's more than 10.000 days or roughly 30 years ...

This highly depends on how your written data are distributed on the disk. I
have seen cases of write amplification by orders of magnitude, e.g., when
adding few bytes on many (several 10k) different files.


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