
Am Wed, Dec 06, 2023 at 08:31:13PM -0800 schrieb Mark Millard:
> man arch reports:
>      Some machines support more than one FreeBSD ABI.  Typically these are
>      64-bit machines, where the “native” LP64 execution environment is
>      accompanied by the “legacy” ILP32 environment, which was the historical
>      32-bit predecessor for 64-bit evolution.  Examples are:
>            LP64         ILP32 counterpart
>            amd64        i386
>            powerpc64    powerpc
>            aarch64      armv6/armv7
>      aarch64 will support execution of armv6 or armv7 binaries if the CPU
>      implements AArch32 execution state, however older armv4 and armv5
>      binaries aren't supported.
> (I take "armv6 or armv7 binaries" as what was built targeting a FreeBSD
> architecture triple for one of those. FreeBSD keeps them distinct.)
> However, the armv6 part of that is wrong: The infrastructure supports
> only one 32-bit alternative for a given kernel, not a family of them at
> once . . .

See also https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=256132

Robert Clausecker

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