On Fri, Nov 17, 2023 at 11:00:07AM +0100, Olivier Certner wrote:
> Hi Glen,
> > I also agree we cannot prevent people from downloading the images,
> > installers, whatever before the announcement.  That is the lovely race
> > condition with which we have to live at the moment.
> Yes, and given that, I don't think you did anything wrong.
> It seems that the race is the same for freebsd-update(8), according to "The 
> Doctor".  But maybe in this case it is easier to fix, perhaps if installing 
> the metadata signaling the new release to it can be delayed, by contrast with 
> big files containing the actual data (I don't know how freebsd-update(8) 
> works, so this is just a guess).
> > The alternative would be to say nothing at all.
> I really hope you and re@ will never choose this way.
> > Either way, it is a productivity, communication drain.  It is
> > a lose-lose situation no matter how one looks at it given the above
> > context.  We either get chastised for being "too open" into insights
> > delaying an official announcement, or for being "not open enough" when
> > there is silence from RE when a release does not meet its scheduled
> > announcement date.
> IMHO, a delay should always be announced (perhaps unless it's only a few 
> days).  If it is too hard to decide on the right level of details, then only 
> mention that some (potential or verified) problem is being looked upon, but 
> don't let that prevent you from communicating.
> As for people saying that they have already installed the "release", I'd 
> suggest to have some text on the website (https://www.freebsd.org/releng/ 
> perhaps) explaining that images on mirrors can appear in advance of release 
> announcements and that they should not be considered as official until the 
> official mail is sent, and just kindly point them to it.  I hope this can 
> contribute to at least attenuating the drain you're experiencing.
> Regards.
> -- 
> Olivier Certner

just a suggestion for the future is that to have some sort of 
gpg/gpg check in freebsd-update .

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