Hi, This blog might be interesting to you. https://vermaden.wordpress.com/2022/03/25/zfs-compatibility/
BTW: stable/14 is delayed one week: https://www.freebsd.org/releases/14.0R/schedule/ Regards, Ronald. Van: Tomoaki AOKI <junch...@dec.sakura.ne.jp> Datum: vrijdag, 18 augustus 2023 00:00 Aan: freebsd-current@freebsd.org Onderwerp: Status for zfs upgrade?
Hi. Creation of stable/14 is planned at Aug.18, 2023 (Already TODAY in Japan, JST+9). Is it safe for now to `zfs upgrade <pool>`, if tunable vfs.zfs.bclone_enabled is set to 0? If not, I should wait until next stable branch, /15. (I upgrade pool only when ZFS codes are 100% match between main and latest stable. Meaning doable only when new stable branch is created.) Regards. -- Tomoaki AOKI <junch...@dec.sakura.ne.jp>