
I have been hacking on CVSweb for a while and now I think it is the
time we update our CVSweb to the full-featured version, which is based
on Henner Zeller and other people's work.  The ready-to-commit demo is
available at this page:


Now, to get the updating process right, I'd like the administrators of
the WWW mirror sites (and freefall of course :) to do the following
things on their Web servers:

    1) Fetch the following tarball and install the CVSweb
    configuration files under /usr/local/etc.


    This will not overwrite the current configuration files of
    CVSweb. (cvsweb* vs. cvsweb.conf*)

    2) For 2.2-STABLE machines, install Perl5 (from the port) and
    create a symlink to /usr/local/bin/perl5 in /usr/bin.

        ln -s /usr/local/bin/perl5 /usr/bin

    For 3-STABLE or upper machines, you don't need to do this because
    they already have /usr/bin/perl5 by nature. (That's the trick :)

I will commit the update in a couple days or so, as soon as freefall
is ready.  So please do the above soon.

Okay, that's all, and this is my attempt to shut up those impatient
who always yell at me for not updating our CVSweb. :>

                          /__  __       
                         / )  )  ) )  /
Akinori -Aki- MUSHA aka / (_ /  ( (__(  @ idaemons.org / FreeBSD.org

"We're only at home when we're on the run, on the wing, on the fly"

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