On 8/16/23 03:10, Tomoaki AOKI wrote:
On Tue, 15 Aug 2023 21:02:57 -0700
Cy Schubert <cy.schub...@cschubert.com> wrote:

Cy Schubert <cy.schub...@cschubert.com>
FreeBSD UNIX:  <c...@freebsd.org>   Web:  https://FreeBSD.org
NTP:           <c...@nwtime.org>    Web:  https://nwtime.org


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In message <CAPyFy2DFVp1BfwwY0czHU7XRZhOLYyF1tAr7MvbmXZ6ALSD==w@mail.gmail.c
, Ed Maste writes:
FreeBSD currently uses 9600 bps as the default for serial
communication -- in the boot loader, kernel serial console, /etc/ttys,
and so on. This was consistent with most equipment in the 90s, when
these defaults were established. Today 115200 bps seems to be much
more common, and I'm proposing that we make it the default for FreeBSD

I have a review open: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D36295. There are a
few minor nits in the review to be addressed still but assuming
there's general agreement I'll iterate on those and commit this in a
few logical chunks.

There should probably be an UPDATING entry for those who use boot0 to
revert back to 9600 in that case.

Not read the diff though, if the baud rate is re-initialized in boot1
or later (including btx, loader, kernel and userland) and handshake
again, most of the boot process and later would run at 115200 bps.

The default serial communications config on most telecom equipment that
I have seen ( in the last forty years ) defaults to 9600 8n1. If people
want something faster from FreeBSD then do the trivial :

    set comconsole_speed="115200"
    set console="comconsole"

Is that not trivial enough?

Also, merely a funny observation, if one tries a baud rate lower than
9600 then FreeBSD will panic. Jut a funny thing I have seen over and

Dennis Clarke
UNIX and Linux spoken
GreyBeard and suspenders optional

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