The context is on a Windows Dev Kit 2023, using a bectl based boot/root disk:
# uname -apKU FreeBSD CA78C-WDK23-ZFS 14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT aarch64 1400094 #9 main-n264643-0befc55cdf4b-dirty: Wed Aug 9 14:23:48 PDT 2023 root@CA78C-WDK23-ZFS:/usr/obj/BUILDs/main-CA78C-dbg-clang/usr/main-src/arm64.aarch64/sys/GENERIC-DBG-CA78C arm64 aarch64 1400094 1400094 I only do bugzailla submittals based on just my own builds as a means of last resort: I try to use official builds for such. The: main-n264491-8a5c836b51ce: Thu Aug 3 snapshot did not panic on the RPi4B that I tried it with. We will see for the next snapshot at some point. Both the non-debug and the debug kernels panic. I saw no evidence of the debug kernel reporting anything. Note the: 0xdeadc0dedeadc0de (2 examples) and: 0xfefefefefefefeff (1 example) that may have some significance. . . . sys/net/if_gif:basic -> passed [0.195s] sys/net/if_lagg_test:create -> passed [0.125s] sys/net/if_lagg_test:create_destroy_stress -> skipped: Skipping this test because it easily panics the machine [0.022s] sys/net/if_lagg_test:lacp_linkstate_destroy_stress -> passed [60.048s] sys/net/if_lagg_test:set_ether -> passed [0.090s] sys/net/if_lagg_test:status_stress -> <6>lagg0: link state changed to DOWN Fatal data abort: x0: 0xffff000186c82858 (_DYNAMIC + 0x271e46b8) x1: 0x0000000000000001 x2: 0xdeadc0dedeadc0de x3: 0xffff0000005b68c0 (ifdead_ioctl + 0x0) x4: 0xffffa000a8ba305e x5: 0xffffa00023d932fa x6: 0x000000006767616c x7: 0x6e6d760070617401 x8: 0x000000000000030c x9: 0x0000000000210005 x10: 0x0000000000000800 x11: 0xfefefefefefefeff x12: 0x0000000000000008 x13: 0x0000000000000000 x14: 0x0000000000010000 x15: 0x0000000000000001 x16: 0x0000000000010000 x17: 0x0000000000000007 x18: 0xffff000186c82520 <6>ue0: link state changed to DOWN (_DYNAMIC + 0x271e4380) x19: 0xffff000186c82858 (_DYNAMIC + 0x271e46b8) x20: 0xffffa000a8ba3000 x21: 0xffffa000a8ba3058 x22: 0x000000000000000c x23: 0x0000000000000005 x24: 0x0000000000000000 x25: 0xffff000000c7a000 (keysw + 0xb8) x26: 0x0000000000000000 x27: 0xffff000000cf9000 (sdta_vfs_vop_vop_spare4_return1 + 0x18) x28: 0x0000000000000008 x29: 0xffff000186c82540 (_DYNAMIC + 0x271e43a0) sp: 0xffff000186c82520 lr: 0xffff0000006a0b50 (dump_iface + 0x2c0) elr: 0xffff0000006a124c (dump_sa + 0x1c) spsr: 0x0000000000400045 far: 0xdeadc0dedeadc0df esr: 0x0000000096000004 timeout stopping cpus panic: vm_fault failed: 0xffff0000006a124c error 1 cpuid = 2 time = 1691642123 KDB: stack backtrace: db_trace_self() at db_trace_self db_trace_self_wrapper() at db_trace_self_wrapper+0x30 vpanic() at vpanic+0x13c panic() at panic+0x44 data_abort() at data_abort+0x358 handle_el1h_sync() at handle_el1h_sync+0x14 --- exception, esr 0x96000004 dump_sa() at dump_sa+0x1c dump_iface() at dump_iface+0x2bc dump_cb() at dump_cb+0x18 if_foreach_sleep() at if_foreach_sleep+0x208 rtnl_handle_getlink() at rtnl_handle_getlink+0xec rtnl_handle_message() at rtnl_handle_message+0x19c nl_taskqueue_handler() at nl_taskqueue_handler+0x5f4 taskqueue_run_locked() at taskqueue_run_locked+0x1a4 taskqueue_thread_loop() at taskqueue_thread_loop+0xc8 fork_exit() at fork_exit+0x74 fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0x14 This was from: # /usr/bin/kyua test -k /usr/tests/Kyuafile But the earlier part of the run is not needed to get the panic. Booting, logging in as root, and doing: # /usr/bin/kyua test -k /usr/tests/Kyuafile sys/net/if_lagg_test:status_stress is sufficient to get the panic in my context. For reference for the RPi4B not getting the panic: Trying on an RPi4B with a somewhat older snapshot did not panic: # uname -apKU you have mail FreeBSD generic 14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT aarch64 1400093 #0 main-n264491-8a5c836b51ce: Thu Aug 3 12:10:50 UTC 2023 arm64 aarch64 1400093 1400093 # /usr/bin/kyua test -k /usr/tests/Kyuafile sys/net/if_lagg_test:status_stress sys/net/if_lagg_test:status_stress -> passed [60.371s] Results file id is usr_tests.20230804-151402-553517 Results saved to /root/.kyua/store/results.usr_tests.20230804-151402-553517.db 1/1 passed (0 failed) === Mark Millard marklmi at