On 05/08/2023 12:39, Oleksandr Kryvulia wrote:
04.08.23 19:07, Graham Perrin пише:
Can anyone from freebsd-net@ help?
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Unreliability with DHCP
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2023 16:17:43 +0100
From: Graham Perrin <grahamper...@freebsd.org>
Organisation: FreeBSD
To: FreeBSD CURRENT <freebsd-current@freebsd.org>
1. Sleep (suspend) whilst connected to one network
2. connect to a network elsewhere
3. wake (resume).
/etc/resolv.conf frequently contains outdated information. In some
(maybe all) such cases, the IPv4 inet address is outdated; and so on.
Which /etc/rc.d/ file(s) should I attempt to fix?
I imagine using the resume keyword, which is currently used by only
one script:
% rcorder -k resume /etc/rc.d/*
I routinely run the command below to work around the bug (and observe
the states of things) – run _after_ the bug bites. I'd prefer a fix,
to prevent the bites.
ls /var/run/resolvconf/interfaces/ ; route delete default ; ifconfig
wlan0 down && ifconfig em0 down && sleep 5 ; ls
/var/run/resolvconf/interfaces/ ; ifconfig em0 up && sleep 15
; ls /var/run/resolvconf/interfaces/ ; cat /etc/resolv.conf ; ping -c
2 -4 freshports.org
As dirty workaround I have in my /etc/rc.resume
service netif restart
service routing restart
Thanks, I'll try when I'm next on campus.
I do know that 'service routing restart' can be problematic. Please,
see, for example, <https://pastebin.com/raw/mXmVPruq>; I had something
similar a few minutes ago.