On Sat, Mar 04, 2023 at 10:57:59AM -0800, David Wolfskill wrote: > > You might start with checking the output of "sockstat -l" on the machine > that is intended to receive the mail: SMTP is expected to be on 25/tcp. > > If the intended recipient machine does NOT show that 25/tcp is being > listened to, you will need to (install &) start a process to do so. > That may well involve installing (& starting) some MTA -- whether > sendmail, postfix, exim, or even qmail (or something else). > > (I expect that nothing is listening on 25/tcp, as that is what > "connection refused" implies.) >
Indeed, that's the case. It looks as if dma isn't intended to replace sendmail, so I'll take the hint in UPDATING and turn sendmail back on. Thank you! bob prohaska