On Sat, Mar 04, 2023 at 10:57:59AM -0800, David Wolfskill wrote:
> You might start with checking the output of "sockstat -l" on the machine
> that is intended to receive the mail: SMTP is expected to be on 25/tcp.
> If the intended recipient machine does NOT show that 25/tcp is being
> listened to, you will need to (install &) start a process to do so.
> That may well involve installing (& starting) some MTA -- whether
> sendmail, postfix, exim, or even qmail (or something else).
> (I expect that nothing is listening on 25/tcp, as that is what
> "connection refused" implies.)

Indeed, that's the case. It looks as if dma isn't intended 
to replace sendmail, so I'll take the hint in UPDATING and
turn sendmail back on.

Thank you!

bob prohaska

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