Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 12:41 AM +0200 7/29/00, Eivind Eklund wrote:
> >After discussion with obrien, jhb, and dwithe (and non-protests from
> >the other committers present), I'm changing the defaults for remote
> >services in /etc/defaults/rc.conf to the least dangerous
> >configuration, and making sysinstall write out overrides for the
> >variables to their former default values in /etc/rc.conf upon install.
> Hopefully sysinstall will be smarter about writing these overrides
> than it is about writing the "USA_RESIDENT=NO" override to /etc/make.conf.

It is.  It only writes these variables out when it creats an /etc/rc.conf
file from scratch because one doesn't exist.  Normally this only happens
during the install.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> --
PGP Key:
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

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