cached_realpath only reports its "cached_realpath:" notice
(not the purging one) when it does not find the value via
HashTable_FindValue and so does a HashTable_Set :

const char *
cached_realpath(const char *pathname, char *resolved)
        const char *rp;

        if (pathname == NULL || pathname[0] == '\0')
                return NULL;

        rp = HashTable_FindValue(&cached_realpaths, pathname);
        if (rp != NULL) {
                /* a hit */
                strncpy(resolved, rp, MAXPATHLEN);
                resolved[MAXPATHLEN - 1] = '\0';
                return resolved;

        rp = realpath(pathname, resolved);
        if (rp != NULL) {
                HashTable_Set(&cached_realpaths, pathname, bmake_strdup(rp));
                DEBUG2(DIR, "cached_realpath: %s -> %s\n", pathname, rp);
                return resolved;

        /* should we negative-cache? */
        return NULL;

cached_realpaths is global:

static HashTable cached_realpaths;

So with -ddM why do I see lots of "cached_realpath:"
notices for the same path? For example:

# grep "tmp/legacy/usr/sbin/ln\>" 
 | more
   Caching 02:49:37 Feb 23, 2023 for 
 22: file 
 is newer than the target...
   Caching 02:49:37 Feb 23, 2023 for 
   Caching 02:49:37 Feb 23, 2023 for 
   Caching 02:49:37 Feb 23, 2023 for 
   Caching 02:49:37 Feb 23, 2023 for 
   Caching 02:49:37 Feb 23, 2023 for 
 22: file 
 is newer than the target...
. . .

A possible cause is something I ran into while looking around:

/* A read-only range of a character array, NOT null-terminated. */
typedef struct Substring {
        const char *start;
        const char *end;
} Substring;
. . .
Substring_Init(const char *start, const char *end)
        Substring sub;

        sub.start = start;
        sub.end = end;
        return sub;
. . .
/* Find the entry corresponding to the key, or return NULL. */
HashEntry *
HashTable_FindEntry(HashTable *t, const char *key)
        const char *keyEnd;
        unsigned int h = Hash_String(key, &keyEnd);
        return HashTable_Find(t, Substring_Init(key, keyEnd), h);
. . .
/* A read-only range of a character array, NOT null-terminated. */
typedef struct Substring {
        const char *start;
        const char *end;
} Substring;
. . .
Substring_Init(const char *start, const char *end)
        Substring sub;

        sub.start = start;
        sub.end = end;
        return sub;
. . .
/* Find the entry corresponding to the key, or return NULL. */
HashEntry *
HashTable_FindEntry(HashTable *t, const char *key)
        const char *keyEnd;
        unsigned int h = Hash_String(key, &keyEnd);
        return HashTable_Find(t, Substring_Init(key, keyEnd), h);
. . .
/* This hash function matches Gosling's Emacs and java.lang.String. */
static unsigned int
Hash_String(const char *key, const char **out_keyEnd)
        unsigned int h;
        const char *p;

        h = 0;
        for (p = key; *p != '\0'; p++)
                h = 31 * h + (unsigned char)*p;
        *out_keyEnd = p;
        return h;

But after the loop: *p=='\0' so *out_keyEnd=='\0'
and the FindEntry Substring_Init(key, keyEnd) ends
up including the '\0' byte.

But note that the h in Hash_String did not include the
'\0' byte. Call this h value h_VALUE0 for later reference.
Then look at:

/* This hash function matches Gosling's Emacs and java.lang.String. */
unsigned int
Hash_Substring(Substring key)
        unsigned int h;
        const char *p;
        h = 0;
        for (p = key.start; p != key.end; p++)
                h = 31 * h + (unsigned char)*p;
        return h;

This h does include the '\0' byte so h==(unsigned int)(31*h_VALUE0).

I expect the mismatched hash values explain the repeated
"cached_realpath:" notices for the same path: inserted
but never found.

Mark Millard
marklmi at

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