On Feb 22, 2023, at 15:26, Simon J. Gerraty <s...@juniper.net> wrote:

>>>>>> The timestamp on . . ./tmp/legacy/usr/sbin/rm is not
>>>>>> actually relevant to if libc++.a needs to be rebuilt.
>>>> True.
>>>> If there is nothing under .../tmp/legacy that should be counted you can
>>>> just:
>>>> .MAKE.META_IGNORE_PATHS += that path
>> Was that supposed to be ("." vs. "_"):
>> .MAKE.META.IGNORE_PATHS += that path
> Yes, sorry.

Thanks for the information.

> strings `which bmake` | grep META.IGNORE

The -dM output's "is newer than the target" lines
show the path from before the above transformation.
(The :tA results possibly could use another
sort/uniq sequence for the realpath results?)

I've been pondering things because, so far, my
attempts to experiment with this has failed to make
the -dM output lines for the paths go away and it
still does the related build activity. I've been
trying the likes of:

.for ignore_legacy_tool in awk cap_mkdb cat cp crunchgen crunchide dd egrep env 
file2c gencat grep gzip jot lex lb ln m4 mkcsmapper mktemp mv patch realpath rm 
sed sh touch truncate uudecode uuencode
.MAKE.META.IGNORE_PATHS+= ${OBJTOP}/tmp/legacy/usr/sbin/${ignore_legacy_tool}
.for ignore_other_tool in ctfconvert objcopy nm
.MAKE.META.IGNORE_PATHS+= ${OBJTOP}/tmp/usr/bin/${ignore_other_tool}

in what I use for make.conf via:


It is using paths that match the -dM output lines ( sbin
use despite sbin -> ../bin being a symbolic link).

Note: WORLDTMP is not defined that early, thus the ${OBJTOP}/tmp

-V.MAKE.META.IGNORE_PATHS is showing the paths I would
expect, matching the -dM lines.

So I'm still pondering what might be going on.

> ${.MAKE.META.IGNORE_PATTERNS:@m@${.p.:M$m}@}

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com

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