On Feb 22, 2023, at 15:26, Simon J. Gerraty <s...@juniper.net> wrote:
>>>>>> The timestamp on . . ./tmp/legacy/usr/sbin/rm is not >>>>>> actually relevant to if libc++.a needs to be rebuilt. >>>> >>>> True. >>>> If there is nothing under .../tmp/legacy that should be counted you can >>>> just: >>>> >>>> .MAKE.META_IGNORE_PATHS += that path >> >> Was that supposed to be ("." vs. "_"): >> >> .MAKE.META.IGNORE_PATHS += that path > > Yes, sorry. Thanks for the information. > strings `which bmake` | grep META.IGNORE > .MAKE.META.IGNORE_PATHS > .MAKE.META.IGNORE_PATTERNS > ${.MAKE.META.IGNORE_PATHS:O:u:tA} The -dM output's "is newer than the target" lines show the path from before the above transformation. (The :tA results possibly could use another sort/uniq sequence for the realpath results?) I've been pondering things because, so far, my attempts to experiment with this has failed to make the -dM output lines for the paths go away and it still does the related build activity. I've been trying the likes of: .for ignore_legacy_tool in awk cap_mkdb cat cp crunchgen crunchide dd egrep env file2c gencat grep gzip jot lex lb ln m4 mkcsmapper mktemp mv patch realpath rm sed sh touch truncate uudecode uuencode xargs .MAKE.META.IGNORE_PATHS+= ${OBJTOP}/tmp/legacy/usr/sbin/${ignore_legacy_tool} .endfor .for ignore_other_tool in ctfconvert objcopy nm .MAKE.META.IGNORE_PATHS+= ${OBJTOP}/tmp/usr/bin/${ignore_other_tool} .endfor in what I use for make.conf via: __MAKE_CONF=/usr/home/root/src.configs/make.conf It is using paths that match the -dM output lines ( sbin use despite sbin -> ../bin being a symbolic link). Note: WORLDTMP is not defined that early, thus the ${OBJTOP}/tmp use. -V.MAKE.META.IGNORE_PATHS is showing the paths I would expect, matching the -dM lines. So I'm still pondering what might be going on. > .MAKE.META.IGNORE_FILTER > ${.MAKE.META.IGNORE_PATTERNS:@m@${.p.:M$m}@} === Mark Millard marklmi at yahoo.com